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Friday, July 31, 2015

God & Guns


  1. You don't have to like guns to own a gun or call somebody with a gun and to think everybody would pray is arrogance.

  2. 8:46 would like to see your ass in a foxhole, sh!t blowing up all around you. Bet you would be praying then!!

  3. From 8:46. One only prays if one believes God exists and believes he answers prayer. The fact that you,8:46,think everybody believes and that everybody behaves and thinks as you is what makes for arrogance. your belief is yours, the belief of others is theirs. both to be respected.

    There have been men in foxholes and other crisis situations that have found their first answer was not to pray nor have a drink. In fact neither entered their mind as a solution to their problem ever.

  4. As my late son said: "You'll never find an atheist in an under fire foxhole!"

  5. That is one of the best pro-gun comments I have ever seen.


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