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Sunday, July 19, 2015

Fixing Social Security


  1. ...it's a theft scheme. Ida M. Fuller became the first person to receive an old-age monthly benefit check under the new Social Security law. She paid in $24.75 between 1937 and 1939 on an income of $2,484. Her first check, dated January 31, was for $22.54. How the **** does that add up? It doesn't. That's why I want individual Social Security accounts. What you pay in, you get(along with the option to invest it in various broad funds/ETFs, CD's, or bonds).

  2. Actually if the congress had stopped raiding the Social Security fund for any reason they could come up with and maybe start paying back those raided funds the system would come back from disaster

  3. So, tax the rich more, and it still goes broke, only later?

  4. Thank God he has no chance.. and Hillary is a washed up old hag

  5. The fix is easy. Have the government completely stay out of the social security trust fund. Use social security for only what it was meant for, which is retirement and survivor benefits.

  6. SS payroll tax is supposed to be for the worker being taxed. A forced savings plan. So why should he be taxed more? As long as the benefits are in line with the deductions, where is the problem?

  7. "Anonymous Anonymous said...
    So, tax the rich more"

    How about simply tax the rich on all their income, just like the poor? No one wants a higher tax rate for the rich, just that they pay the same taxes as everyone else. Why the cut-off number?

  8. Make it a crime to touch the Social Security fund.

  9. When will you guys get , it's over , all this crap is a moot point.
    America is doomed , it's gone , washed up , our capitalist society
    has put us in a weird position of complete failure. $$$$$$$$$$$$$
    Give me some money and I'll do what you want , do you get now?

  10. 8:09 asked "How about simply tax the rich on all their income, just like the poor?"

    If we taxed the rich like the poor than nobody would be paying any taxes. By the way the rich are taxed on all their income. Remember almost half of the population doesn't pay any tax. So we either need to start collecting money from more people or stop spending so much. If we taxed the rich at a 90% tax rate including capital gains the country would still run a budget deficit. So we obviously either need more rich people or the poor and middle class need to pay their fair share, or better yet stop spending so much money.

  11. 8:45 But everyone who works pays SS, even the poorest.

  12. 8:58 You don't pay SS on welfare and food stamps. If you do work and have children the money received from EITC will basically refund the money you paid in to SS. So what was your point?

  13. Just more money for Congress to steal and leave only IOU's.

  14. Is this guy from another planet? If our idiots in Washington had not raided Social Security to fund other programs the program would be secure.

  15. Not a bad idea actually - but first, make the SS account in to a lock box that the gov't can't touch except for SSI disbursements... otherwise, you're just giving them more money to play with!

  16. Bernie has a point...but only if the guy who pays SS tax on $50 million receives retirement benefits of $10 million per year. The benefits are related to the amount contributed, otherwise it becomes just plain welfare and income redistribution.


  17. 6:53 am is correct.

    Beyond that, ole Bernie has been in Congress quite a while now, and earned more than $117,000 each year. Am I safe to assume the Socialist has been sending checks in to cover his personal untaxed earnings?

    Anyone who has drawn a breath knows the answer to that!!

  18. 12:34 No, he's a self admitted Socialist. We would be China in no time, or worse... California.


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