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Sunday, July 19, 2015

Anti-White Activist Issues ‘Sh*t Flag Challenge’… No Joke

Following the lead of the Eric Sheppard Challenge, facebook user Nocturnus Libertus has issued a new challenge to her followers… The ‘Sh*t Flag Challenge.‘ According to the website PopularMilitary which was able to grab much of her content before it was removed, she is seeking donations to purchase American flags for young ‘Afrikans’ to ‘clean their ass with.’

Truly sickening…



  1. If this country is so bad for these people then i think we should help them along by stripping there citizenship and and deport them to a country of their choice! We certainly do not lose anything of value to rid this society of such hate full people! Yes people full of hate!

  2. Put him in Iraq for 1 month and see if his attitude changes towards our freedoms!

  3. Only in America can this happen... You can't fix stupid..

  4. I say give them a one way ticket out of this country since they don't like it here. Cut off ANY and ALL funding for people that hate America. It doesn't matter if they are individuals, counties. states or countries. Cut them off!

  5. Do they do this before, or after, buying their groceries with OUR money, and going back to the ghetto housing WE paid for....
    Hate the country? That's your right...
    Bite the hand that feeds you? A very good indicator of IQ.
    Google had it right, for those up on current events....

  6. what else is it good for

  7. These young "Afrikans" should take an extensive trip to "Afrika", then tell us how terrible life is here.

  8. What if they love Americans but hate the US Government?

    What about that?

  9. They just can't handle freedom and self reliance.

  10. Lmao. African American. No such thing. Your either African or American. I got news for blacks. Africa is a continent. Want to be correct? Your a for instance.. Zimbabwe American. Etc. And that is if your born there and came here legally and passed a citizenship test. My point is... Your born in America. Your an American. The term African American needs to be outlawed. It only helps keep that racial dived stronger.

  11. 2:34 PM

    Absolutely. It's become a much-abused, confusing and politically charged term.

    I had a liberal friend the other day refer to an acquaintance of theirs who was a native of St. Kitts now living in the U.S. as an African American. By her definition, anyone who is in America who has an ancestor from Sub-Saharan Africa, regardless of how long that ancestor has been dead and regardless of the person's own nation of origin is an African American.

  12. Considering the chaotic and murderous state of the continent black people so proudly associate with, I'm thinking they should start saying something different.
    Africa is, by far, the most screwed up continent on the planet, which, considering the wealth of natural resources and population, is quite the achievement. Non-achievement is probably the more correct term, though.

  13. Get over it dry your eyes and take the loss and stop crying

  14. They are planning on doing this on Christmas day? Shows even more how much of an idiot they are.


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