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Saturday, July 25, 2015

Democrats Scrub Jefferson, Jackson From Dinner Name

The Connecticut Democratic Party is scrubbing the names of Democratic presidents Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson from its annual fundraising dinner amid increased pressure from the NAACP’s state chapter following last month’s Charleston church shootings.

Party leaders voted unanimously Wednesday night to rename the Jefferson Jackson Bailey dinner because of the former presidents’ ownership of slaves, the Connecticut Post reported.

“I see it as the right thing to do,” Chairman Nick Balletto told the paper Wednesday night. “I wasn’t looking to be a trailblazer or set off a trend that’s going to affect the rest of the country. Hopefully, they’ll follow suit when they see it’s the right thing to do.”



  1. My God.
    Are they going to burn the Constitution next?
    What's left of it, anyway.
    Rewriting, expunging, and erasing history is a mark of totalitarian idiots.
    I'd like to find out who pushed the "self-destruct" button for the United States of America.....
    Keep cheering.

  2. Absurd of them to cave. Absurd of the NAACP to push.

    Jefferson kept slaves at a time when slaves were kept. Judge him for his contributions to the Nation, not for engaging in what was common practice 250 years ago. 250 years...

    Are we going to also remove references to every slave owner who ever lived? Stand by while we rename D.C. and Washington State and put someone else's picture on the dollar bill, pull down the Washington Monument and the Jefferson Memorial. And how about whiting out their signatures on the Constitution.

    Slavery is an insignificant footnote in the biographies of these and other Founding Fathers. Don't try to make it the main paragraph.

  3. Look this is part of a bigger picture. The corruption is vast. All part of the hidden danger of the rainbow agenda.

  4. OK - I'll play along, too. Jackson and Jefferson are pictured on the money that I pay my taxes with. Because of their association with slavery I will voluntarily forgo paying my taxes so as not to offend anybody. Are we OK with that?? You can get your damn EBT and Obamaphone from some other sucker from now on.


  5. Hope ticket sales to the "Travon, Gentle Giant, Freddy, Caitlyn" dinner meet our expectations.

  6. Great post Phronesis.

  7. I thought this was from the Onion at first. No kidding.

    I'm a Yankee with no particular fondness for the Confederate flag but this is getting out of hand. I guess we will have to rename the capitol of the U.S. You can't judge historic figures by modern standards.

  8. So are the NAACP members who had black ancestors who were themselves slave owners, going to resign?


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