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Friday, July 31, 2015

Data in Clinton’s ‘secret’ emails came from 5 intelligence agencies

WASHINGTON - The classified emails stored on former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s private server contained information from five U.S. intelligence agencies and included material related to the fatal 2012 Benghazi attacks, McClatchy has learned.

Of the five classified emails, the one known to be connected to Benghazi was among 296 emails made public in May by the State Department. Intelligence community officials have determined it was improperly released.

Revelations about the emails have put Clinton in the crosshairs of a broadening inquiry into whether she or her aides mishandled classified information when she used a private server set up at her New York home to conduct official State Department business.

While campaigning for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination, Clinton has repeatedly denied she ever sent or received classified information. Two inspectors general have indicated that five emails they have reviewed were not marked classified at the time they were stored on her private server but that the contents were in fact “secret.”


Read more here: http://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/politics-government/article29519419.html#storylink=cpy


  1. Any member of the military who did this would be in the stockade awaiting court-martial proceedings.

  2. What did Snowden do that worse?

  3. Snowden's actions are not those of one of the most senior officials in the Nation. That person should be held to the highest standard.


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