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Sunday, July 05, 2015

Beware In Salisbury

Salisbury PD had camera cars set up by Pep Boys on Rt. 13.


  1. Is this something new? I thought only the schools were authorized to have the speed cameras?

  2. Slow down would be more appropriate than beware.

  3. Exactly, It was only schools and only for during school season and supposed to be turned off or not used during the summer months...

    Obviously they lie as usual...

  4. I went to the grocery store this morning and went through 3 speed traps, one camera, and lots and lots of busy cops on the road all within 10 miles. Um, be alert folks.

  5. I think I saw them yesterday. Not sure about today. Either way its crap! This was to be for school zones only while kids are around. Now its 24/7 in school zones. And this is starting? More reason for pigs to not patrol.

  6. It's because of all those who speed coming down the slop going north rt. 13.

  7. the must need to buy some new guns or something

  8. They've been running them outside school zones. And there's suppose to be a sign before each one alerting you that speed is controlled by cameras thru that area. I once got a ticket and when I went back and looked the camera was set up like 300 feet BEFORE the sign. Beat that ticket.

  9. As usual you all know much more about what you think the policemen are doing. Get your facts before posting and you won't be posting false information.

    1. What are you trying to say? They were mamned police cars doing surveillance? Lmao. Come on officer! We all know you only respond to calls. You don't really work!

    2. They don't work hard..that's for sure

  10. They put a older mini blazer by mardela high school 2 days ago and its active!!! Oh and school is out!!!

    1. Oh they say it's for summer programs. Kids are around all year. How about at 9 at night? Or later? 6 in the morning? Teachers aren't even there yet! They need to go!

  11. There is a red suv at beaver run school too

  12. Camera cars for what?

  13. So they get extra time to text and sleep..way to go SPD...always impressed.

  14. BE advised....this is a holiday weekend coming and there is "Holiday Money" for extra patrol and overtime for MSP. Speed at your own stupidity.

  15. it's all about the money. the speed limit changes right there so they are just robbing you .duncan is a f'ing idiot, she should go back to NY. crime all over the town and she has her kops out raising revenue!
    worthless bunch of leeches sucking off the working men and women of this town.
    walmarts private police force is all they are!

  16. How about everyone just drive the speed limit and you won't have to worry about speed cameras or being pulled over. The speed limit is there for a reason, safety! And it is the police force's job to keep us safe, that is why they enforce laws! If you just obey the laws you will have no problem.. be thankful for the men and women who risk their lives everyday to protect you and your loved ones lives while you sit behind a computer or phone screen putting everything they do to protect you down! We should be thanking them not bashing them.

    1. Saftey my ass. Revenue! Just another way make money! Other places in the state and these roads would be 45+.

  17. I noticed that the flashers were still going on Beaglin Park, indicating a slower speed limit during school hours. Aren't schools out of session now? I bet the cameras are still using the lower speed limits.

    It's also a holiday weekend. Rt 50 is crawling with cops out to make money on the tourons.

  18. 10:35 I Agree. And while your at it remember those red & white signs are STOP signs not slow down

  19. Why is everyone complaining about where speed cameras are and when their being used. If your following the speed limit you wouldn't have to worry about the cameras!!

  20. 10:57 am Exactly----This is crazy to even talk
    about it----Obey the Laws for Speed &
    there's nothing to worry about. I could
    have used a speed camera yesterday . When the
    "bucketfulls of rain" were coming down on #13
    north, some jerk was weaving
    in & out of traffic like a mad person.
    Thanks be for all the ones in operation!!

  21. incremental expansion of the Eye in the Sky... to revenue driven liberals that hate cops... but love technology .. he says slow down... lately the first or second comment is always by one of the advocates of limiting personal freedom... I am sure they've hired somebody just to blog here ..like they do elsewhere ..

  22. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    How about everyone just drive the speed limit and you won't have to worry about speed cameras or being pulled over. The speed limit is there for a reason, safety! And it is the police force's job to keep us safe, that is why they enforce laws! If you just obey the laws you will have no problem.. be thankful for the men and women who risk their lives everyday to protect you and your loved ones lives while you sit behind a computer or phone screen putting everything they do to protect you down! We should be thanking them not bashing them.

    July 2, 2015 at 10:35 AM

    yeah and that's why kps go flying by because of safety right? you have to be a kop to spout that nonsense. kops are not hiding behind bushes for our safety, they are hiding behind bushes to collect revenue for their masters. I don't have a problem with cops doing their jobs and actually HELPING the community but don't piss up my back and tell me it's raining.

    1. Absolutely agree. SPD is a revenue center for mayor rainbow

  23. These clowns are good at texting in the clock.


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