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Sunday, June 28, 2015

White House bathed in LGBT colors Friday night

From WhiteHouse.gov:


The Supreme Court Decision on Marriage Equality

Today, the Supreme Court ruled that gay and lesbian couples can marry in America. See how President Obama and Americans around the country are celebrating.


  1. Obama the racist communist Islamic ANTICHRIST.

  2. please tell me that at least the picture is faked!

    1. It's real. I saw it with my own eyes.

  3. Guess now the president marriage is legal too! We are toast God will turn his back on our leaders. Fiscal doomsday coming next. Then the powder keg of government fostered division will be a bloody mess then UN and marshall law will follow .mthis is the change he promised..you better be ready to die for freedom

  4. I think I'm going to puke.

  5. 8:54
    No it is not fake. How did they manage to get those bulbs in place so quickly? We all know how long the government takes to do ANYTHING. Yet they had these bulbs in place in hours.

  6. He thinks the White House is his house. He is an idiot. The WH is the peoples' he is just an occupant. No matter what kind of smarmy comeback to a heckler he spends weeks thinking up. Disgusting show of lights.

  7. Sodom and Gomorrah?

  8. The rainbow flag and symbol needs to be eliminated its a bigot symbol and rooted in satan look it up..it offends me

  9. That is the peoples house, it belongs to the American citizens and what a disgrace that is. I am totally offened by that action, but do you think anyone is going to speak up for the majority who I am sure are offended by this? Hell no, the the less than 2% of americans who are gay have control! How did this ever happen, that things are now controlled and governed by the minorities of this nation...I blame the MSM for promoting liberalism as the only course proper for anyone!

    1. They don't its about civil unrest being pushed by the White House. 17 months he will be out the door.

  10. This offends me. Take it down, or we'll evict you.

  11. Yes, it is fake.

  12. "Love wins"????? yeah, righhhhhhhht. that's OK everyone. Just remember one day you WILL face a different judge than a supreme court justice.

  13. 9:36
    That pictures is NOT fake. Google White House rainbow and you will see all the different angles of it.

  14. Whats next a glitter disco ball. Barry I mean Barrak makes me sick

  15. Every American citizen is guaranteed equal rights under the Constitution of the United States of America. The bible, and every other religious book, is not mentioned in that Constitution. God is mentioned, but not defined, and religious freedom covers ALL religion. Take your hate speech elsewhere and tend to your own life.

    1. I have yet to see one comment on here so far that is 'hate' speach, unless of course you are a liberal of the degree which anything anyone says that you don't agree with IS 'hate' speech!

  16. My God have mercy on us in the coming months.

  17. Low class citizens do such as this around their house, however, this is NOT his house and I am very offended that he had this done around the American Citizens' house. He needs to go on back to Chicago where he came from and light up his house all he wants, but leave the White House alone and as is. Yes I said WHITE House. I'm really surprised he even wants to stay there because that's what it's called.

  18. "Take your hate speech elsewhere and tend to your own life." I am completely done with polite conversation with your kind. Considerable amounts of money are confiscated from me every year to pay for govt expenditures. This nauseating stunt is at my expense. I am sick of the filth in the White House and I am sick of 'fellow-Americans' like you. Time to partition this country.

  19. Truly a sad day in America.

  20. Evil has been unleashed.

  21. Anonymous said...
    Every American citizen is guaranteed equal rights under the Constitution of the United States of America. The bible, and every other religious book, is not mentioned in that Constitution. God is mentioned, but not defined, and religious freedom covers ALL religion. Take your hate speech elsewhere and tend to your own life.

    June 27, 2015 at 11:07 AM

    You are obviously a douche bag with an entitlement mentality. It's people like you that allow leeches like this to suck my pay check dry every week to pay for garbage like this. Ironically someone else mentioned what I was thinking. How in the Hell did the White House find colored light bulbs so quickly? They already knew what the vote was going to be so you are part of the problem by condoning corruption in the White House.

  22. Anonymous said...
    Every American citizen is guaranteed equal rights under the Constitution of the United States of America. The bible, and every other religious book, is not mentioned in that Constitution. God is mentioned, but not defined, and religious freedom covers ALL religion. Take your hate speech elsewhere and tend to your own life.

    June 27, 2015 at 11:07 AM

    Is that you Chuck Cook?

  23. How 'bout bathing our White House in Red, White, and Blue each time an American soldier is killed fighting for our freedom?

  24. AMERICANS You all have not even began to see what is to come soon to this X-America ...People are so blind and worried about B.S. Stuff and drinking the Kool-Aid that you all are not seeing the bigger picture as this is all a test to see what they can get away with for the big bang.
    Soon the "BIBLE" will be gone., The "AMERCIAN FLAG" will be gone and all the "HOLIDAYS" with history or any type of "REGELIOUS " will be gone and then the secret society will totally take over and we are done as a country.

  25. May god pass judgement on this nation for this decision! May the judgement be swift! I am ashamed of this government. We have become the laughing stock of the world!

  26. Jeffrey Dahmer was gay he ate what 15 people. So should we demand all gays right flags be taken down. The knee jerk response to the Confederate Flag was unjust and unwarranted. The Liberals cant havre it both ways. We have to respect all rights and views if we like them or not. Only in America lol. The nation of hypocrites.

    1. Europe is on my radar. 24 months and I'm gone.

  27. The first sodomite nation since Sodom and Gomorrah, YAAAAaaaa (NOT).

  28. Funny, I post facts about the United States Constitution that no one can refute. You trolls resort to calling me a liberal? Good argument there, really shows your intelligence on the matter.

    FYI, I identify more with fiscal conservatives, in regards to taxes and smaller government, less to no entitlement programs. I am a white male, married, two kids in the 30-40 age demographic.

    I really don't care what color someone is, what religious beliefs they have, I treat them all equally. There is no time to be racist, or disapprove of gays, when you set out to take care of your family, and better yourself as a human.


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