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Sunday, June 28, 2015

Walmart to stop selling Confederate flag merchandise

(CNN)Walmart, the country's largest retailer, will remove all Confederate flag merchandise from its stores, the company told CNN Monday.

The announcement is the latest indication that the flag, a symbol of the slave-holding South, has become toxic in the aftermath of a shooting last week at a historic African-American church in Charleston, South Carolina. Gov. Nikki Haley announced in a Monday afternoon news conference that she supports removing the Confederate flag from the state capitol grounds.

Walmart.com currently carries the Confederate flag as well as attire featuring the flag's design, such as T-shirts and belt buckles.


EDITORS NOTE: CNN is so offended by this flag yet they keep posting it all over facebook. 


  1. K-Mart, Target, Tractor Supply, They're all out there with competitive pricing. Vote with your feet!

  2. I'd rather shop mom N pop. I'm done with Walmart.

  3. While you're at it every thing that has a Rainbow on it stop sales. It shows the gay crap that kids don't need to see or be around. Gone with the Rainbows.

  4. Again, the confederate flag has nothing to do with racism? Not even a bit symbolic.???

  5. This gives a idea of how much money is backing Potus. Going to be a long 18 months

  6. If you have anything confederate, you better hang on to it - all shirts, flags, etc. will disappear in just a matter of time, wish I had a flag, I'd fly it high and proud.

  7. I haven't stepped foot in a Walmart in almost six years. Screw them.

  8. Walmart should stop selling things made of cotton.Nothing identifies with the " Old South" like cotton.

  9. Fk Walmart!! I'm done with them!

  10. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Again, the confederate flag has nothing to do with racism? Not even a bit symbolic.???

    June 22, 2015 at 8:48 PM

    No you idiot!

  11. I have Confederate Flags all over my house and the last time I checked they are still there. Not on flag left my house to go down to the local black church to gun down blacks worshiping God. Something must be wrong with my flags.

  12. You're so right !!! Not racist symbolism !!! Is this racist mess ever going to end ? I'm 75 and would like to live out the rest of my life sans racism. Enough is enough for God's sake !!!!!!! PLEASE ?

  13. EDITORS NOTE: CNN is so offended by this flag yet they keep posting it all over facebook.

    Because they are promoting racial division. They would love to see a civil war and it is coming.
    We are sick of Liberals and we are even more sick of RINO's caving in to Libtards!! They are worse than liberals.

  14. Obama has ruined all that we worked for on RACE the last 50 years...

    Impeach the Bastar#!!!

  15. No one is standing for truth in DC and is afraid to impeach Obama because that would start a race war.

  16. Yeh your all not gonna shop at Walmart spare me the bs.....I don't think they care about the four or five of you. The flag is a symbol of racism used by the kkk for decades and that's why.....blame them

  17. Walmart does whatever is politically expedient and/or trendy at the moment in order to maximize profits. It can be a good thing, like when they refused to sell dairy products from cows treated with rBST. Or it can be a major inconvenience like when they throttled the sale of ammo. Point being, there are other places to buy this type of merchandise if you want it. Maybe you'll be able to find a shirt actually made from US cotton and manufactured somewhere in the South.

  18. just go online or to the gun shows.

  19. If this offends someone....and they fix it...then it offends that other person. You cannot win.

  20. Lets get rid of everything with a MADE IN CHINA sticker on it. Guess that pretty much shuts down Wally-Mart.

  21. On the night of June 17, 2015, an attempt was made to break the spirit of all South Carolinians.

    The deranged mind of a horrendous individual, entered Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, and took the lives of nine admirable individuals. This historic House of God became the scene of a brutal massacre beyond understanding. We all contemplate, why did this happen?

    Perhaps this is a question that cannot be answered. What kind of a world are we leaving behind for our children, when you can’t go into God’s House without the threat of being gunned down? This is, in fact a crime of hate and an act of terrorism. It is reported that the culprit’s craving was to bring about “civil” war and division between Black and White citizens of the Palmetto State. This did not happen. We will not allow it to happen. South Carolinians will stand together hand in hand regardless of race, creed, or skin color to prevent it from happening. South Carolina will not cower to the evil deeds of one hateful being.

    The Sons of Confederate Veterans extends our heartfelt sympathy to the families who have lost loved ones in this tragedy. We stand with the citizens of Charleston as they come together to mourn the loss of these beloved individuals. We pray that God will grant them comfort and peace during this time of despair. Emanuel Church proclaims compassion, peace, and justice throughout the historic Grand City of the South. This congregation stands for what is right and is a force against evil. Hatred has reared its ugly face in our country masquerading as political correctness. What God has ordained as righteous and just will always be righteous and just. What God has ordained as evil will always be evil. No man, government, or principality has authority to change the will of God.

  22. Hatred is evil. Recent acts in Charleston are just plain evil. South Carolinians have chosen to defeat evil by offering love and support of each other, rather than disobedience, distrust and destruction. Disobedience and destruction only breeds yet more hatred and evil.

    Historical fact shows there were Black Confederate soldiers. These brave men fought in the trenches beside their White brothers, all under the Confederate Battle Flag. This same Flag stands as a memorial to these soldiers on the grounds of the SC Statehouse today. The Sons of Confederate Veterans, a historical honor society, does not delineate which Confederate soldier we will remember or honor. We cherish and revere the memory of all Confederate veterans. None of them, Black or White, shall be forgotten.

    The SC Division, Sons of Confederate Veterans has a stringently enforced Hate Policy. We will remove any member who expresses racist hatred sentiments. Anyone with ties to racist organizations will not be granted membership. The perpetrator of the vile act in Charleston has never been a member or associated with the Sons of Confederate Veterans. Unfortunately some other subversive organizations distort Confederate symbols in an attempt to make them stand for hatred and disillusion. The SCV vehemently opposes the ideals and actions of such organizations.
    The Sons of Confederate Veterans has both Black and White members. In our eyes there is no difference. Our membership is made up of descendants of Native-Americans, African-Americans, Asian-Americans, Hispanics, Christians and Jewish who took a stand for the Cause they believed was right. The love and defense of the South’s symbols, culture, and heritage is not hate. It is knowing and understanding of the truth.

    Not knowing your heritage is ignorance.

    Our organization offers to everyone the opportunity to learn the true facts of the war fought on American soil between 1861-1865 and the heritage we value. That is why we exist. Our camps are listed on our website, www.scscv.com on our About Us Page. This is your invitation to attend any of our meetings.
    It is shameful and disgraceful that other organizations chose to use this heinous act to promote their political agenda. Do not associate the cowardly actions of a racist to our Confederate Banner; for it is a Banner of honorable men, both Black and White.

    There is absolutely no link between The Charleston Massacre and The Confederate Memorial Banner. Don’t try to create one.

  23. Anonymous said...
    Yeh your all not gonna shop at Walmart spare me the bs.....I don't think they care about the four or five of you. The flag is a symbol of racism used by the kkk for decades and that's why.....blame them

    June 23, 2015 at 6:58 AM

    You have no idea what you are talking about. You are nothing but a misguided, ignorant fool who has been indoctrinated in the public school system.

  24. Funny how the ignorant people who hate the flag don't even have a say because they don't live in South Carolina.


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