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Sunday, June 28, 2015

WHAT?! Pope Francis Says You Can’t Make or Invest in Guns and be a Christian

I’m not a religious person, but I was raised Catholic and like to give The Pope the benefit of the doubt. And a lot of what this Pope says lately gets taken out of context and lost in translation. That said, The Pope said what now?

While speaking in Turin, Italy, he stated, “If you trust only men you have lost. It makes me think of … people, managers, businessmen who call themselves Christian and they manufacture weapons. That leads to a bit a distrust, doesn’t it?”

The pope then chastised those who invest in weapons industries saying, “duplicity is the currency of today … they say one thing and do another.”

Luke 22:36 comes to mind, “Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.” If nothing else, this Pope at least keeps things interesting.



  1. i will take my guns over an organization that encourages pedophilia any day.

  2. I think I will trust what Jesus said.

  3. Dear pope,

    I need gun to protect my children from you preacher predators.


  4. You can't be a Catholic and be a Christian, so that's not an issue.

    Praying to Angels, paying to get into heaven, someone between me and God...

    There's a reason for the protestant rebellion...

  5. Nothing about weapons in the Bible and whether owning one makes you a Christian or not. If the truth be told those who embrace Obama or any democrat aren't real Christians.
    People who support the liars sinners are worse sinners than the liars themselves because they enable the lies to continue. Lots about this in the Bible.

  6. In a contradictory remark, Francis chastised the "power" nations for not having bombed railway lines to concentration camps.
    Clearly, the power nations would need armaments in order to drop bombs and someone would have had to have made them.

  7. Love the Catholic haters on the shore..NOT....another reason why the shore is so despicable in its short mindednes..poorly educated... And so redneck..

  8. Lmao this the same organization that finally admitted in 1992 that gallileo was right and the church was wrong. He needs to stick to what he knows. Liberation theology and pedophila.

  9. This is why most college educated people don't buy into the whole organized religion thing. Churches and their leaders are a bunch of kooks.

  10. According to the Bible you also can't eat shrimp...so..there's that.

  11. Religion is for those that wish to be told what to think.

  12. 1:49
    Maybe you should refrain from takling about things you know nothing about.

  13. 10:12. Catholics are Christians. They were the first Christians. Jesus's church didn't start with the "Protestant rebellion".

  14. 1:19 I hope your degree isn't in education.

  15. Speaking of that 3:41, how can these other groups call themselves churches when the original and only church for centuries was the Catholic Church?
    Isn't that one of the arguments about calling same sex unions marriages?

  16. " Anonymous said...

    According to the Bible you also can't eat shrimp...so..there's that.

    June 25, 2015 at 1:49 PM"

    The "chosen" ones-the Jews, not everyone.

  17. "Love the Catholic haters on the shore..NOT....another reason why the shore is so despicable in its short mindednes..poorly educated... And so redneck.."

    Thanks for your thoughts, you elitist, intolerant, illiterate pig.

  18. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Love the Catholic haters on the shore..NOT....another reason why the shore is so despicable in its short mindednes..poorly educated... And so redneck..

    June 25, 2015 at 11:31 AM

    so I guess you are a catholic. a member of that false religion. "they love their fancy robes and seats in high places". Call no man father. And what man can forgive sin?

    Catholics were the first church? Funny, I thought it was a jewish 'church'. Regardless, there are 10 churches. or is it 12? Doesn't really matter. We are supposed to take the speck out of our own eye before we try to remove the beam from our neighbors eye.

    And Mr. Shrimp guy, that was the old covenant. You know, when we were under the law. ( that no one could keep/obey ) Jesus is the second covenant ( new testament ) All things are blessed through Him.

    All you people want to count your brothers sins but ignore your own. Guess what? You STILL fall short of the glory. Lift each other up, stop pushing them down.

    Faith, hope and love, but the greatest of these is love. Get you some.


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