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Sunday, June 28, 2015

Md. leaders join call to remove Confederate emblems

BALTIMORE —Leaders in Maryland are joining a call to remove Confederate emblems from state and local memorials and parks.

Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake said she will proceed with changing the name of a popular park that bears the name of Robert E. Lee. It is the latest move to take down any signs of the Confederacy from public view in the wake of the church shootings in South Carolina.

Confederate symbols, particularly the flag, have been controversial and offensive to some for some time. But now, the move is on to make the symbols far less prominently displayed, much to the protest of those who say they just want to preserve part of the nation's history.



  1. While we are at it lets make sure that anyone who has ancestors that were not from America are deported immediately. The government can have your property but we need to erase all of our footprints.

    Dumb? And so is this.

  2. I guess next will be ever war memorial that we have anywhere in the country. They are already talking about wanting all memorials having anything to do with the civil war taken down or removed from any state or federal property.

  3. Hey I have an idea! !! Let's remove everything with MLKING on it because it freaking annoying to me.

  4. Well, it looks like Dylan Roof is the Left's new Hero and has won the race war! Three cheers for MR. ROOF!

    Will they cast his statue next?

    Let's have it cast treading on torn up pieces of the Stars Bars!

    Idiots abound here...

  5. Let's give them room to destroy. I never said that you all heard the voices in my head.

  6. And I'm deeply offended by the LGBT rainbow flag so it too should be removed from public view wherever used.

  7. What's funny is that General Lee freed his inherited slaves in 1962, before the abolishment of slavery. However Union General Grant didn't free his slaves until forced to after the war.

  8. I will do what I can to vote out every person that votes to do this. I will send money to every opponent of these spineless wingnuts!!

  9. if i want to fly it, i will. last time i voted it was still a free country.

    1. One problem with that...this is the socialist republic of Maryland. The bill of rights was suspended here.

  10. Nothing better to do? Apparently. I agree with all the above!

  11. Of course they do...liberal garbage. This state disgusts me. Six more years and I am GONE

  12. Its coming very soon !!


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