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Thursday, June 11, 2015

Westside Community Center Builds Aquaculture Center through Community Foundation Grant

Salisbury, MD – The Westside Community Center (WSCC) was recently awarded a Community Needs Grant from the Community Foundation. The grant, totaling $4200, is allowing the WSCC to move forward in developing an aquaculture center and laboratory. The new venture provides an opportunity for visiting groups to learn and contribute to the environment in a positive way by sharing information about the Chesapeake Bay, its inhabitants and life-cycle.

Housed at Cedar Hill Marina, the Westside Aquaculture Center is expected to open later this summer. As it is located directly on the Nanticoke River, it will focus on growing native species of the Chesapeake Bay including oyster, blue crab, rockfish, turtles and striped bass. The center will offer a wide range of program curriculums, with a focus on raising awareness of critical environmental issues, providing education on the complex ecology of the bay and giving participants a hands on role in bay restoration and conservation.

The Westside Aquaculture Center is the latest enhancement to the WSCC’s Adventure Education & Experiential Learning Program. Built to accommodate groups, the program also offers lessons in hunting & gathering, survival skills, farming, team building and Eastern Shore heritage. The program is self-sustaining, with participants paying $7 per person. For more information on the Westside Community Center and its Adventure Education & Experiential Learning Program, please visit www.WicomicoRecandParks.org or call Calvin Krauss at 410.873.2933.


  1. How is it self sustainin ? Field trips? Grant money?

  2. Mr. Krauss , has a record a mile long , including drugs , last week he totaled his vehicle in Bivalve and was taken away in handcuffs. He really sets the example , a typical government employee. Of course his father taught him well. He shouldn't be around any children!!

    1. Your comment only reveals a lot about your own character. I can only imagine how perfect you are and the life you live. You clearly have something against him rather than speaking about who he actually is. We all have imperfections, and it's clear that yours is being disrespectfull and just ignorant.

  3. That is normal behavior on the Westside. Don't like it, please stay in Salisbury or the burbs.

  4. His father has been dead for over 15 years. He's a grown man on his own, near 40 yrs old I bet, not saying he hasn't done wrong, but it's time to stop blaming the father.

  5. Everyone has a past, right, wrong, good or bad and everyone makes mistakes. CR has done a tremendous job with the kids and the community center. He is someone that the kids, as well as the parents, know and love. Without him doing what he does and making a great place for the kids to go to, there would be a lot more troubled youth in Westside.

  6. 304..wake up..they all are doomed because your precuous westside is nothing but a drug infested swamp now. I probably know 10 people under 50 who arent on drugs or drink a case every night. Its a damn shame

  7. I am here to tell u that I have had the pleasure of working beside Cr for some time now.Cr is the greatest director that has ever stepped foot in the westside community center and has done a great job of giving back to the kids and the community. He has taken his job to the next level by bringing kids and groups from Salisbury giving them a place to have fun with climbing walls, to archery ranges,to kayaking and fishing and he has gone further to building a aquaculture place where kids can learn about the bay and how it works.the kids love him to death and believe me he puts his best interests for the kids before he does himself.Its really ashame to have a bunch of low life's that probably have no jobs that are jealous of what you have become and made for the community and like always just keep up the great work I hope I have some kids that will have the pleasure from learning from Cr some day.

  8. I work with C.R. also and he truly cares about the well being of his community.Everyone makes mistakes in life.He is a great husband ,father and a great coworker.

  9. 517...if you only know 10 people under the age of 50 that aren't on drugs or drinking a case every night then you my friend are hanging with the wrong crowd. And don't worry, it's not MY precious Westside, I don't live there nor have I ever lived there but I have worked with people from there and have been to multiple functions down there. I guess you think Salisbury is a better/safer place with more reputable people? You need to open your eyes to what all the little towns can offer around here.


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