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Thursday, June 11, 2015

Administrative Changes for a Number of Wicomico Schools on July 1

Superintendent of Schools Dr. John Fredericksen said administrative leadership teams for Wicomico County Public Schools are taking shape for the 2015-2016 school year, though additional changes are anticipated later this summer.

Administrative changes so far for Wicomico Schools include (effective July 1): ​

  • Beaver Run Elementary: Kimberly Waters (formerly dean of students at East Salisbury Elementary) becomes Beaver Run’s assistant principal. She replaces Alexan Dargan, who will be assistant principal of Charles H. Chipman Elementary.
  • Charles H. Chipman Elementary: Alexan Dargan (assistant principal at Beaver Run Elementary) becomes Chipman’s assistant principal. She replaces Jennifer Rice, who will be assistant principal at Willards Elementary.
  • Delmar Elementary: Mike Bievenour (assistant principal at Salisbury Middle) becomes a Delmar assistant principal. He replaces Dr. Mark Bowen, who will be an assistant principal at Salisbury Middle.
  • West Salisbury Elementary: Shelly Hall (assistant principal at Westside Intermediate) becomes West Salisbury’s assistant principal. She replaces Tara O’Barsky, who will be an assistant principal at Parkside High with responsibility for Career and Technology Education (CTE), and other duties.
  •  Westside Intermediate: Glenda Sinclair (an assistant principal of Wicomico Middle) becomes WIS assistant principal. She replaces Shelly Hall, who will be assistant principal at West Salisbury Elementary.
  • Willards Elementary: Jennifer Rice (assistant principal at Charles H. Chipman Elementary) became Willards assistant principal. She replaces Katrena Bailey, who is retiring.
  • Bennett Middle: Lisa King (literacy coach at Wicomico Middle) becomes a BMS assistant principal. She replaces Ike Humphrey, who is retiring.
  • Wicomico Middle: Bob Purnell (dean of students at Parkside High) becomes a Wicomico Middle assistant principal. He replaces Glenda Sinclair, who will become assistant principal at Westside Intermediate.
  • Parkside High: Tara O’Barsky (assistant principal at West Salisbury Elementary) becomes an assistant principal at Parkside High, with responsibility for Career and Technology Education (CTE), as well as other duties. She replaces Dave Churchman, who is retiring.
Several positions will be filled this summer, including deans of students at East Salisbury Elementary, Salisbury Middle, and Parkside High, and lead teacher for the Evening High School.

The Board and Superintendent have also named Dr. Bonnie Ennis as Supervisor of School Improvement, Accountability and Strategic Planning, effective July 1. She takes over from Linda Stark, who is retiring.


  1. I have never understood why a Doctorate is necessary in elementary education (below a Superintendant level).That typically reflects a much higher salary for a position where a Masters is perfectly adequate.

    1. FYI. Shows you don't know anything. A doctorate only adds $500 to a persons pay above a master's degree. Look up the pays scale on the BOE's website.

    2. 9:06 just wants us all to dumb down because he's not doctorate material.

  2. Maybe if you had a doctorate you would understand.

  3. Evidently you don't understand elemetary education.

  4. No offense but the fact that the board of education completely under values the doctorate by paying only $500 more per year kind of proves the first commenters point

  5. 4:24 - Perhaps, but maybe one doesn't get a doctorate for the money. Perhaps one has aspirations above and beyond the current employer, personal motivation, any number of other reasons.

  6. Not these clowns, when they milk the taxpayer for all their wants and pocket all the money they hide and put in their wallets.

  7. It is time the Board replaces the PE Supervisor as he is killing the program. Physical Education should be physical activities not working on smart boards or lap tops and getting the children involved with physical activities. Look at the number of young female teachers being hired. Are any minority PE teachers being interviewed and put in positions or is it young female's getting these positions. Joe , please look into this situation. The Supervisor's goal was to be in the County for 5 years and then go to the SSU program. He is destroying the program built up by Charlie Berry int he 60's followed up by Neil Haldeman, Ralph Osborne and Beth Chatfield. He doesn't care about the students or the program. He brings a laptop to observe and never helps any teacher who may be on his short stick and asks for help. Please look into this situation. Check with some members of the Board who may have a teacher in PE.

  8. Moved vice principals when they should have moved principals!

  9. It used to be that those being moved received a call from their director the night before the board meeting: "Tomorrow in closed session, the board will be informed of our intention to move you from School A to School B. We are recommending this because (give reasons). We wanted you to know in advance, but please do not discuss this information until after it becomes public tomorrow." Now folks are totally blindsided by getting a call after the board addresses the changes; they will have been given no reason, no notice the night before or any other time, no anything. It will be challenging to find another boss with this level of caring about his team, but we'll have to soldier on.


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