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Sunday, June 14, 2015

US Military LOWERS Uniform Regulation Standards To Allow Certain Religious Garb

The United States military has long been known for their strict uniform policies. However, the Department of Defense has recently decided to relax their standards and allow service members to wear religious clothing such as turbans or skullcaps while on duty.

Facial hair, body art and other expressions of religious belief will also be allowed on a case-by-case basis. This is due to the vast diversity of religions people who serve in our forces follow. With Muslims, Sikhs, Buddhists, Wiccans and more protesting against the strict policies – saying they make them choose between the religion and serving our nation – the service is making an attempt to be more inclusive.



  1. His gas mask won't seal correctly any more!

    Send him to NBC training and see how quickly he's willing to shave!

    Retired Marine

  2. You got to be frign kidding me...so if I am a Satan worshiper does that mean I get to wear a hooded cloak?? Oh I know how about a horn headdress

  3. I can guarantee that the MARINES won't allow this foolishness!

    1. As a MARINE myself I agree but with this fool running the country you never know! !!

  4. This is an insult to every veteran who ever served. This Country has gone all to Hell.

  5. this will allow Obama to instill MARTIAL LAW and take over US Citizens

  6. Wiccans? Really? Wiccans?

  7. Rastafarians will still be excluded for other reasons.

  8. While Pastafarians will not.

  9. Ever seen the Danish Army???
    THAT will be us in about 5 years.
    Unable to fight our way out of wet paper bag....
    But we'll be dressed to the nine's.
    Keep cheering.

  10. Sikhs have a reputation for being excellent soldiers.

  11. Just look at the Iraq army, that couldn't fight this last battle, they ran, well, guess who trained them? Our new army did, that is the future of the American armed forces, they will not know how to fight, nor have the stumic for it.

  12. This is not acceptable. This is America and the comeheres should accept our standards or move away.

  13. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Just look at the Iraq army, that couldn't fight this last battle, they ran, well, guess who trained them? Our new army did, that is the future of the American armed forces, they will not know how to fight, nor have the stumic for it.

    June 8, 2015 at 4:23 PM

    have the stumic

    Have the what for it??

  14. I guess if Bruce Jenner decides to join the army we already know what he will be wearing.

  15. Just another demonstration of our failing country that's allowing PC to rule even our own protection and security. We are in deep trouble and it's escalating more everyday!


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