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Sunday, June 14, 2015


(June 8, 2015) – Ocean City police have charged the driver of the blue Chevrolet Corvette that performed a “donut” and burnout on Coastal Highway on May 16 during the OC Cruisin’ event.

Police initiated an investigation after a video of the incident surfaced online. With assistance from numerous tips from citizens regarding the incident, officers were able to identify the driver of the vehicle as Harry M. Huntsman, 25, of Millersville, MD. Huntsman was subsequently stopped in Ocean City on May 30 for an additional traffic violation and was issued the citations for the May 16 incident at that time.

Huntsman was charged with the following traffic offenses:

  • Driving motor vehicle in a manner intended to cause skidding
  • Driving spinning wheels
  • Driving motor vehicle in a manner intended to cause excessive noise
  • Failure to drive right of center
  • Negligent driving
  • Reckless driving

The Ocean City Police Department is reminding residents and visitors of Ocean City that negligent and reckless driving behavior is extremely dangerous and could quickly result in tragedy. In an effort to keep Ocean City streets safe for motorists and pedestrians, similar driving behavior will be met with strict enforcement and zero tolerance.


Click HERE to see the video


  1. Driving motor vehicle in a manner intended to cause skidding
    Driving spinning wheels
    Driving motor vehicle in a manner intended to cause excessive noise

    Those 3 charges are all the same and can be combined in court. Trust me I know! These were only $55 a piece and 1 point. Big whoopty.

  2. They should have got him for going the wrong way or does that fall under failure to drive right of the center?

  3. I guess if he had hit someone you would have been happier with the charges? Sorry for your loss.

  4. How can they prove he was driving. The driver cannot be determined from the video I've seen

  5. Gotta pay to play.

  6. maybe all oc residents should b told to stay inside whenever there is an event in town, i love oc but could not stand for all the fools who take over the town and get away with it

  7. OC knows this happens and no accidents have occurred because of these actions. This action has occurred since the first event of this kind. OC wants the money but not the noise / actions. OC encourages this by sponsoring this week of money making for the Town of OC.
    What is the big deal of Hot Rods having a good and safe time.

  8. Do they have an eye witness to put him in the driver seat during the burnout? Are they willing to testify in court? Cause otherwise this is just a show to quiet the public outcry and they should already know that it won't stick. I'm sure that the 25 year old corvette owner will get a great lawyer with daddy's trust fund and this is just a waste of time, money and police resources for political posturing.

  9. Everyone got to be snitch these days. Damn. First time a person with a corvette actually uses the power.

  10. How about reckless driving and suspend him for a year

  11. Unless they stopped him at the time of the incident, they likely can't prove he was driving the vehicle, unless they are prepared to call eye witness testimony. A good lawyer will get all those charges dumped.

  12. This fool has admitted several times and several places that it was him that did it. I have no problem with the spinning tires. Doing a doughnut in the middle of Coastal Highway was a bit much.

  13. 6:28 you made me laugh. You are so right, old men putting along the highways afraid of the gas pedal haha.
    As far as no accidents, that's pure crapola. What about the Camaro last fall around 27th street that hit everything for a block and then ended up totaled on the brick median? Or many many others.

  14. The go fund me account I set up to cover my fines is over $5000. Thanks for the new tires ocpd. I needed them after the burn out. See ya next year lmao

  15. Ban him from oc. And tell him to go to nj.

  16. These a

    re some of the dumbest responses on here. At the time of the alleged event, someone should have introduced him to the roadway till the police got there. Don't agree? You're a moron.

  17. 8:38
    Another troll. I doubt there is a gofundme account set up. I also highly doubt you are Matthew. Some people!

  18. But If your black and in baltimore you get a pass for a lot worse then that.

  19. All of this is about respect and courtesy and not about the event. Folks who drive like this are dangerous and place a fear within people for no reason. Combined with the noise and the erratic driving, OC is not very family oriented this weekend!

  20. How much more BS can they make up?!

    I avoid places like that for just this reason - you can't have or see fun anymore!

  21. Cells phone camera will be end of the old world. I said it 10 years ago you don't want certain technology.

  22. Good, the driver is a total douche bag

  23. 5:38 Your car, your responsibility.

  24. Their is a over weight red head guy in west oc with a red corvette. He can barley fit in it. Looks the typical corvette age and wears an obvious wig. However he never speeds.

  25. George the drunk.


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