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Sunday, June 14, 2015

UPDATE On Salisbury Police Accident

Many have asked for an update on the Officer and situation on the early morning crash on Camden Ave. in Salisbury.

I have come to learn the Officer is in fact at Shock Trauma with multiple broken bones. Apparently he shattered his left arm in many places as well as his left leg.

I was told by a good source that the suspect was driving at a high rate of speed and purposely hit the Officer head on. The police cruiser was then sent backwards into the pole and that's how the rear end damage happened. 

As for the criminal who did this, he has a long history of domestic violence. His latest stint was a 4 year sentence for assaulting his own mother, he was released after 2 years and on parole. Then came this incident, he knew where he was going and that's right back to jail. 

Our thoughts and prayers go out to the injured Officer and his Family. 


  1. Anyone have a photo of the convict?

  2. Those new cars don't take a hit like the old Crown Vics.

  3. And he'll be released again if the courts know what's good for them!!

  4. Hopefully, they caught the dirt-bag and he is in custody - for a good loong time!

    Blessings and good recovery wishes to the officer!

  5. Why is the name of the guy that hit him not in this story? Is he some rich guy?

  6. Thanks Joe! A leopard doesn't change his spots...should have still been locked up. The system is a mess.

  7. lmao 2 years and released knowing he was this deranged? God help us, the courts and judges are idiots,

  8. Best wishes for a speedy recovery, Officer!

  9. Still don't buy it. The rear of the car hit the pole then how did the front come to rest with a pole inside? The cruiser did a perfect 180 then lurched a foot and a half forward? Any investigation completed by the sheriffs office is suspect. They will make sure no officer ever does any wrong.

  10. Rick Meehan just invited the guy (the "alleged" criminal) and all his cousins to Ocean City for the summer.

  11. This very well be a charge of attempted murder with a vehicle. If so a minimum of 25 years.

    1. no one died. so...no, vehicular manslaughter isnt the charge

    2. It says ATTEMPTED murder

  12. I agree 1:07!
    I hope they charge this cop.

    1. With what? For what? Being in the way of a felon fleeing the scene of a crime. That sound intelligent.

    2. He still was traveling at unsafe speeds. That's a fact. And the sheriffs headed this investigation. They're real good at covering the tracks of a murderous cop.

    3. Al sharpton agrees with you. Good job

  13. 255 go on a hunt somewhere else... there are no charges on anyone yet until they complete a reconstruction and conduct any interviews... your a fool!

  14. 5:30, where do you get your "facts"?

    1. Not every body is willing to talk to cops. I'm fine being nobody. Don't need me pissing them off.

  15. Al sharpton will love some of you wow. No reason to hate on cops anymore your getting your wish marshal law is coming.

    1. Yessssss please that's what America needs!!

  16. Will babs Duncan throw the suspect a pizza party and give him an application?

  17. Past your bed time mommy will tuck you in soon. Sleep safe knowing real man called police are working.

  18. Michael Rayne has a criminal background that goes back to 7th grade. Always violent, always resists, and always enabled by his family. Mom and dad both have addiction problems. I am sure he did this on purpose, because he doesn't care about anyone or anything. He needs to be locked up for a nice long time. The only way he will stay out of trouble.

  19. His family is already trying to make him out as the victim. Sad. The cops are always out to get him.

  20. There is a gofundme account set up for Zach Converse.



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