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Sunday, June 14, 2015

Man dismissed from jury duty for wearing prisoner costume

ST. JOHNSBURY, Vt. (AP) — A Vermont man has escaped jury duty — by getting dismissed for wearing a prisoner costume.

James Lowe of Barnet says he was released from jury duty on Tuesday when he showed up to court wearing a black-and-white-striped jumpsuit with a matching beanie.

The Caledonian Record (http://bit.ly/1QKMx6S ) reports that Lowe showed up on time and joined other prospective jurors before the start of the selection process. Deputies directed him to an empty courtroom to meet with the judge, who told him to leave.



  1. Could've held him in contempt? You sheeple applaud this? He was threatened with jail because he expressed himself and wore clothing! What's next? How many threats before you all wake up? He is no criminal! He is a citizen and treated like this.

  2. That's about the clearest case of contempt I think I've ever seen. The judge made the wrong call here. Reward instead of punishment.

    1. I wish you'd follow through with your name and leave! Your such a tool!

  3. Should have made him come back in a suit and tie!

    1. What? Bull. Wear whatever we want to jury duty. I didn't choose this profession. It's not a job. Forced me to come then you get just that..... Me!

  4. Racism at it's best. A black man wouldn't have been threatened in such a way.

  5. 7:56 since when is freedom of speech contempt? He voiced his stance in clear and direct fashion.

  6. judges let criminals walk every day, but they want to go after the citizen who holds them in contempt! Look at what the judges have allowed to go on in our country and they want us to follow them? Police state anyone? lmmfao!

  7. I was on a jury and two of us came back after lunch 5 minutes late, (due to traffic)and we got fined $50.00, talk about getting screwed by the system!


  8. So, a Halloween costume will get me out of jury duty? Maybe I should start a business outside of the courthouse, renting costumes for the day from the trunk of my car.

  9. Yet an inmate who is yet to be found guilty.... Still innocent.... Has to come to court in these outfits giving the appearance of guilty and its fine.

  10. I think it is funny as hell. Come on people this is funny. I agree we all have to do it, but I laughed all morning Joe. Thanks for the post

  11. The courts and jury system are broken. If you believe for one second that the purpose of the court is to find the truth then I have a bridge to sell you.
    Corruption from top to bottom.

  12. If you don't want to sit on a jury just tell them that you believe that anyone charged with a crime is guilty because cops work too hard to be fooling around with people who are innocent. BINGO

  13. Have to be warned from the bench to be held in contempt..

  14. What the judge and so many people in the court system don't see is this --- millions of people hold THEM in contempt.
    The only punishment "we, the people" are able to extract is the one Thomas Jefferson recommended (and PREDICTED).....let the streets run with the blood of tyrants and collaborators and let trees be weighed down by the bodies of those who let their authority and power become a family heritage and a mantle of dictatorial arrogance.
    It IS inevitable.
    They just don't think so.

    1. Al sharpton agrees with you

    2. No. Most of America does! Why was this country founded? To escape the same thing that is happening now! To ensure it never happens again. They spoke of these tyrants to educate us and remind us for the future. So we would not make the same mistakes. These are our founding fathers and you wanna bring al sharpton in it. Slob!

    3. Again you should March with sharpton. you don't get it that you sound just like him. Then you resort to name calling think you just made my point.


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