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Tuesday, June 09, 2015

TSA hired 73 people on the terror watch list; reason why is MIND-BLOWING

The TSA is the gift that keeps on giving. Just as summer travel season kicks into high gear, we learn about the second big black eye for the agency — and another ‘oh %&*#!’ — for travelers — in less than a week.

I’m not sure which is worse, the fact that the TSA had a 95 percent failure rate in detecting contraband weapons snuck through in tests of airport screeners or the latest news that the TSA actually hired 73 workers on the terror watch list.

As reported last week by ABC News:

An internal investigation of the Transportation Security Administration revealed security failures at dozens of the nation’s busiest airports, where undercover investigators were able to smuggle mock explosives or banned weapons through checkpoints in 95 percent of trials, ABC News has learned.



  1. Obamanation of the nation.

  2. Idiots in charge. Obama cronies and Obama clones.

  3. Does not surprise me. I was denied employment by them when I retired from Division of Corrections with over 20 years for being inexperienced for this security job.


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