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Monday, June 01, 2015

Tiny Md. Island Hoping To Find Way To Increase Population

SMITH ISLAND, Md. (AP) — Janet Evans could become a legend.

Not because she’s known to steer a skiff across the channel to work at Ewell School, where she is a teaching principal. Navigating a work or pleasure boat around Tangier Sound is a way of life on Smith Island.

It is not unique, either, that Evans knows the name, age and grade of the children at Ewell School.

All 11 of them.

Ewell School is among the smallest public elementary schools in the state and the nation by enrollment. So small that in 2013, the schoolhouse in the village of Ewell on the offshore Smith Island ranked 919th out of 920 public elementary schools in Maryland — and that was two years ago, when there were 13 students.



  1. these residents are going to have a hard choice ahead of them. In probably 20 yrs (maybe less) erosion will have become so bad that the army corp of engineers will find it cost prohibitive to continue to try and save this island. They will be forced to either move or stay and watch their homes and land erode away. You can't stop mother nature.

  2. Dredging is done every day...

    And sea levels go up and down in cycles.


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