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Monday, June 01, 2015

Congress Eyes Requiring Gun Liability Insurance

Gun owners will have to carry liability insurance if a bill introduced Friday by New York House Democrat Rep. Carolyn Maloney successfully makes its way through Congress.

Rep. Maloney’s "Firearm Risk Protection Act" would subject gun owners to a $10,000 fine if they ignored a mandate for liability insurance before obtaining a weapon, The Hill reported Friday.



  1. Creates an undue, unnecessary hardship. Unconstitutional.
    The second amendment contains no exception clauses.

  2. Yet another attempt at a gun grab.

    Stop and think; Who causes damage with guns? Law abiding citizen gun owners with background checks? No, so why should they be made to pay premiums to pay for damages caused by illegal, underground thieves and murderers?


  3. First pass it for ownership of Dangerous pets! Pit Bulls injure and kill more children and adults then my sporting rifle.

  4. Another underhanded way of forcing owners to declare ownership of any and all firearms, from BB guns to .22 rifles on up. This could even be construed to include paintball and airsoft guns as well.

    Nothing but de facto mandatory registration is all this is.

    I am sure the insurance industry is investing like crazy in this scheme.

    How many criminals are going to carry one dime of "insurance" to cover their victims? What a total joke. So law abiding owners end up paying for all the damage done by criminals with illegal firearms.

    These politicians just can't stop meddling, can they.

  5. They will stop when that noose tightens around their windpipe.
    THAT is the ONLY way they will ever stop.
    What a brilliant idea for the anti-gun sissies. Don't use guns laws to wipe out gun ownership. BANKRUPT them. Open them up to legal repercussions for failing to carry "insurance". In the proper amount. With the proper forms. And some new fees. Add a surcharge to cover those who can't afford it, like Obama phones.
    Establish a new "department" to manage the "administration" of these forms, fees, surcharges, and bureaucratic directives (what "Constitution"???). Establish ANOTHER group of armed agents to randomly check homes for guns and proper paperwork (don't get shot resisting that random home inspection) YOU WILL COMPLY!! If a pencil neck geek bureaucrat finds that you didn't fill out line 57, charge them with 'falsification of an insurance document' and ban them from ever owning another gun for the rest of their lives. Put some citizens in prison for 50 years to teach the rest of the populace the proper amount of fear.
    Can't happen?
    I'll bet you never thought someone would tax the rain, either, huh?
    Never underestimate the total greed that consumes insurance executives and their political concubines.
    Keep cheering, you sheep.

  6. I already have insurance. 13rd mags. and a tin badge won't stop them.


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