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Tuesday, June 30, 2015

"These Colors Don't Run" Confederate Flag T-Shirt

Liberals and progressives are attacking the Confederate Flag as being a symbol of racism and slavery, and are demanding that it be removed and banned from just about everywhere they find it. At first, it makes me wonder if they even know the true history of the South and the Civil War? But on second thought, I think they do know the true history, and that's why they hate it so much.

The Confederate Flag isn't anymore a symbol of everything evil about America during the 19th Century than the U.S. Flag is. Did evils exist under the banner and protection of both flags? Yes, without a doubt. But I don't see them calling for the removal of the U.S. Flag from anywhere. (Although they don't seem to mind people burning it.)

They hate it so much because it stands for a smaller and more decentralized government, which is in direct opposition to the progressive and liberal plan for our country. This Confederate Flag T-Shirt is the perfect way to make a statement about where you stand on the issue.

If you're a rebel who takes pride in our rich Southern heritage, then please join us in standing together and saying with a loud voice, "These colors don't run. Never have. Never will."

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  1. Members of the Ku Klux Klan have announced plans to rally next month in South Carolina in support of the Confederate flag.

    If the Confederate Flag is NOT a symbol of racism then why is it the banner for the KKK?

    "Southern Heritage" is the support of "States Rights" - the state rights that allowed slavery.

    1. Southern states were not the only states that allowed slavery. Bringing back up the issue of the actual history of the civil war.

  2. Don't you dare tell ME what my Southern Heritage means.

    Damn right I support "states' rights" - and unless you truly do not understand what this means, you should as well.

    Since both the north and south has slaves, it makes no sense to associate slavery just with the south. It's like associating pine trees with the south, when they are found in northern states as well.

  3. These flags have been wiped from the internet. Ebay, Amazon, no such thing.

    Take note.

  4. They ran after Gettysburg back to Virginia.

  5. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Members of the Ku Klux Klan have announced plans to rally next month in South Carolina in support of the Confederate flag.

    If the Confederate Flag is NOT a symbol of racism then why is it the banner for the KKK?

    "Southern Heritage" is the support of "States Rights" - the state rights that allowed slavery.

    June 30, 2015 at 1:31 PM

    The KKK hasn't used that banner in years and rarely uses if ever so STFU!! At least they have balls to stand up for White America.

  6. Anonymous said...
    They ran after Gettysburg back to Virginia.

    June 30, 2015 at 6:26 PM

    You are clueless.

  7. I have that shirt and I am proud of it.

  8. "the state rights that allowed slavery"

    What the hell is with progressive punks and this absolute obsession with slavery? Personally, I don't know anyone who was a slave - or anyone who owned a slave. It has about as much relevance to today's world as the sack of Carthage. Terrible thing, but it is history. 'Slav' is the root word of slave - because the Slavs were enslaved by multiple conquerors. And they were all white. I don't carry my ass on my shoulders and whine because my Slavic ancestors were slaves. I really don't care - just like I couldn't care less that someone else's ancestor was a slave. I'm sick of hearing about it. Let it go.

  9. They may not run, but they sure didn't win, either. Thank God.

    1. You do not understand why the civil war took place. Winners write the history books. Therefore, ignorance exists. In fact, the north simply needed to profit from the thriving south as the southern states produced most of the exports. Slavery was used to manipulate and rally people. This may help explain why African Americans also fought for the confederacy.

  10. The South did not lose the war. They saw what the North was all about and went back South lol. Ever hear of anyone moving North when they retire. Enough said

  11. I agree with 7:27 I wasn't around during slavery times and why are we still hearing so much about it, are the Jewish people, or Mexicans speaking all the time 24/7 about injustices done to their people or the American Indians the first settlers here? It has been shoved down our throats so much we are the ones oppressed, we are paying for things not even in our time---GIVE PEACE REAL PEACE A CHANCE AND JUST SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!


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