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Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Donald Trump Sends Mexico Brutal 4-Word Message About What Will Happen Once He Is President

On Thursday, Univision decided to remove billionaire businessman Donald Trump’s Miss Universe pageant from its lineup due to allegedly “insulting remarks about Mexican immigrants” that he made during the launch of his presidential bid.

Trump reportedly fired back by sending a letter to Univision CEO and President Randy Falco in which he included a brutal message for the entire nation of Mexico.

“Please congratulate your Mexican Government officials for having made such outstanding trade deals with the United States,” he wrote. “However, inform them that should I become President, those days are over.”

The outspoken business mogul also accused the Mexican government of pressuring Univision to get him “to stop exposing the weaknesses the U.S. has at the southern border.”

The reason Univision cancelled the Miss Universe pageant in the first place was because Trump complained about all the “rapists” and other criminals that Mexico has been allowing to cross into the United States.



  1. I was against trump until this. I'm voting trump all the way.

  2. 12:19. i.m sure thats gonna make a difference. NOT

  3. 1:31-If whites and blacks will get out and vote it will make a difference.The hispanic vote sways elections because too many of the rest of us sit on out asses come election day.

  4. Yeah how dare they come to America looking for a better life...

    1. How dare your neighbor jump over your fence, walk into your home, squat down and start demanding that you provide a better life for him.

  5. 1:55 But, why waste a vote on Trump? He's a progressive moron, who makes Joe Biden look like a scholar.

  6. Joe Biden is heading to Kansas in search of a brain

  7. " Anonymous said...

    Yeah how dare they come to America looking for a better life...

    June 30, 2015 at 2:36 PM"

    The problem is this isn't the early 1900's. Regressives like yourself are what is ruining the country. We do have a huge debt you know? We can't handle anymore people. We need to start being progressive and doing all we can to turn this country around for those born here.
    Start forward thinking 2:36. Why do you think wages are so low. When there is a steady stream of ready willing and able people to do a job, wages either go stagnant or they fall. Do you not care about the future generations?

  8. The US Government will take care of you, and if they dont then the Salisbury City leaders will.

  9. Keep the straight talk Mr trump and you might win!

  10. the donald has no intention of dong anything but playing the roll of spoiler! will run as third party candidate has the money to do it and will throw the election to hillary!

  11. 3:15-First the Wizard had to work up an estimate.


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