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Thursday, June 18, 2015

The 'Show Me the Money' State

Dem governor received $50K from UAW after vetoing right to work

Missouri’s second highest elected official blasted Democratic Gov. Jay Nixon for accepting lucrative union campaign donations after vetoing right to work legislation.

Nixon received $50,000 from the United Auto Workers union just days after vetoing legislation that would have ended the practice of coercive unionism in the state. Republican Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder demanded he return it, criticizing the seeming quid pro quo.

“Less than a week after he vetoed Right to Work legislation, Governor Jay Nixon received his reward: A $50,000 check from the United Auto Workers union, headquartered in Detroit. Gov. Nixon is constitutionally barred from seeking reelection. What use, then, does he have for this money?” Kinder said in a release on Tuesday.

Kinder said the timing of the donation gave the appearance of corruption.

“He should return the money. Otherwise, it smells of more ‘pay to play’ politics by this administration,” Kinder said. “The governor likes to give lip service to putting limits on campaign spending while he rakes in millions of dollar from lawyers, lobbyists and labor.”

The Nixon administration did not respond to request for comment.



  1. I am not a crook! I know , different Nixon.

  2. He should return the money. His veto should be voided and he should be made to resign but he is a DemocRAT so nothing will be done

  3. His veto should be voided, period.

    After that, I'm sure the Union will take care of anything else that needs to be done, if you know what I mean...


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