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Thursday, June 18, 2015

A Viewer Writes: Cheap gas in Alabama


  1. That is what it should be , or lower, every where. The Politians allow price gouging from Petroleum, Electric, Telecommunications, Insurance and other Corporations. Look here on the Shore the price went up 23 cents in less than two weeks. This fluctuation has been going on for months. Where are the Politians on this matter? No where to be found no matter if they are DemocRAT or Republican.

  2. It is all George Bushes Fault...besides...he runs the Oil Companies...

  3. Alabama......yuck

  4. But I thought it was all about free market and capitalism.

    The oil companies are free to sell their products to whomever they want to. When they want to. They are currently exporting refined petroleum products. Gasoline and natural gas exports at all time highs.


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