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Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Texas Fires Warning Shot!

They're Taking Their Gold Back - Retired US Navy SEAL Sends Dire Warning To Military And Govt Employees: 'They Will Kill You'

In one of the most interesting and potentially explosive moves of 2015, the state of Texas has decided that it wants its' gold back from the Federal Reserve, that's right, all $1 BILLION dollars of it. They've also decided that they want to stir up all kinds of problems for those who seek to control everything by making it NON-CONFISCATABLE - yes, the bill to repatriate Texas's gold from New York and the FED contains a provision that will PREVENT seizure by the federal government (or by the NWO globalists working to destroy America for that matter!) In the excellent new video below featuring David Morgan on the Ellis Report called 'From Bank Run To Gold Rush,' we learn that Texas's move is the kind of move that can have global repercussions. Meanwhile, Texas' plan to take their gold back MAY be one of the reasons for the Jade Helm labeling of Texas as 'hostile'. The Federal Reserve doesn't want any competition.

ANP has also been the recipient of a lot more pictures from our readers across the country of military convoys, vehicles, etc as seen at top of story and below videos and we also report more below upon a warning from a retired US Navy SEAL to ALL bankers, politicians, members of the military, state representatives and high level government employees:

"The pit you are helping dig for others, you will also fall in yourselves. You've been lied to, used, and when they are done with you, they will kill you."

Texas Governor Greg Abbot just signed the bill into law on Friday, June 12th that will allow Texas to build a gold and silver bullion depository in which they'll move their $1 billion in gold to once it is completed. While some might ask 'what's the big deal?', this story in The Epoch Times tells us that the Texas gold repatriation bill has the potential to uproot the entire monetary system and as Zero Hedge says, 'the writing's on the wall'.
Putting it simply, Texas has told the federal government that they don't trust them holding onto their gold. Texas Rep. Giovanni Capriglione, who introduced the bill, said "when I first introduced this I got so many emails and calls from people who said they want to store their gold in Texas...people have this image of Texas as big and powerful...so this is exactly where they want to store their gold." How are New York and the FED and their endless printing machines going to react to this move? The distrusts spreads from just distrust of New York to distrust of the entire financial system.


  1. Texas should leave the Union and become it's own nation! I will help kill the enemies of Texas, especially Yankees, Liberals, Queers, Democrats, Soldiers from the illegal president.

  2. Good luck on getting that gold back. Probably a better chance of getting a snowball out of Hell.

  3. Most likely the Chinese get first claim to the Texas gold.
    In short our elected leaders have sold us out.
    They might send Martha Stewart to jail but the real crooks like Clinton just cackle away and keep screwing their country.

  4. The government has been hijacked by Communist's AKA Progressives.


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