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Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Do You Agree?


  1. Chris van Holland is trying to push National Handgun Registry on NPR Kojo Nnamdi show right now.

  2. No body will take my guns , I say NOBODY.

  3. Check out Oath Keepers on the internet. That is their life mission and they invite everyone to join them in the movement.

  4. Resistance will be minimal. Media will spin them to be public safety issues when the few who resist are killed or hauled away. We will be instructed to stay indoors in our homes "for our own safety" while house to house sweeps are done, weapons collected and resistance dealt with throughout the night and into the morning. TV, radio and other media will fill the airwaves with the same crap that's on every day, just as if nothing is happening. Cellphone service will be interrupted, as will hard line phone service.
    It'll all be over in a week.

  5. If you don't agree you're a traitor and deserve the firing squad.

  6. Paraphrasing Charleston Heston "They Will Have to Pry from my Cold Dead Hands"

  7. I wonder just how many would actually stand behind the American people. How many would actually disobey their orders and heed their oath to defend the Constitution?
    Chime in anytime LE and active military.
    It thoroughly sickens me to think that there are people who would follow, to the letter, orders to confiscate guns or even fire upon American citizens who are standing up for the Constitution. To those who do, bear in mind that there are those of us who intend to die defending our beliefs, our rights and our freedom from your traitorous actions.

  8. NAZI liberal democrat communists. It is coming of time for the real Americans to utilize their Second Amendment rights and take our country back from this tyranny!! Read your history especially that of Nazi Germany in the 1930's and 40's. History is repeating itself and there will have catastrophic consequences!

  9. how many of you would help you neighbor when this happens? I didn't see anyone objecting to their houses being searched and people kicked out of their homes with their hands in the air in Boston. Everyone did as they were told.

    Prepare to be on your own when the shtf. Your neighbor will likely turn you in. You better form your TRUSTED groups now.


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