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Friday, June 12, 2015

Teacher tells student he can't read the Bible in classroom


  1. If he was reading a comic book the teacher would have told him he can't read that in class either.

  2. 10:02 - I highly doubt that, but ok.

  3. if you don't believe in the constitution and the separation between church and state, then go join ISIS. Put that book down in class!

  4. You can only read from the politically correct reading list. If I were the parent, I would take him out of public school and find him a good private or Christian school.

  5. Home or church but not in school.

  6. Free reading time is for reading what a student desires. Its obvious that the all knowing teacher was wrong! The board admitted it. A student can read a bible at any school. It boils down to reading aloud, meeting/ bible studies, praying etc... They don't like it when you spread the word. But it's OK to ram the Quran down throats!

  7. 10:58, Why would you, (or anyone else) care? It's not as if it is being shoved down your throat, like Gay Marriage or sharing the ladies room with a man. LIBERALS!

  8. Joe,
    I agree with you 100%. Freedom of speech includes reading material. I'm sure this school has a library that carries books written by Malcom X and copies of the Koran as well. So, unless he was attempting to preach a sermon or recruit others for the faith, what's wrong with reading the Christian Bible period? Under which school rule was he in violation of? Can you please give us the name and address of this school?? Thanks!

  9. in 11th Grade we all had to write a major English Thesis paper. I did mine on the Methodist Church and used every reference from my school's own library. There is no such thing as separation of church and state. Just demagogues who think incrementally and feel like they've achieved some victory for smacking down thought and behavior they target and usually they target our children.

  10. I guess ready fiction was not allowed.

  11. But he was allowed to read Vanity Fair with Caitlyn Jenner on the cover, and Playboy magazine for the indepth articles.

  12. to the fool who posted at 12:10, no such thing as the separation of church and state? Another entitlement minded Conservative at work who likes to cherry pick his "rights". Know your history and your heritage or go and join the Taliban:

    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

  13. 2:41 and his cliche rant talking about cherry picking "Rights" knows diddly about the impetus of the Separation of anything ..he no doubt supports a tyrant who never complied with the simplest of requirements ..to prove he was a Naturally Born Citizen ..and thinks he is superior to the Supreme Court and not beholden to uphold the oath he swore to ..top get the job. Much less submit to the system of checks and balances between the three Branches of Government .

    The Bill of Rights insures all of those things you outlined...it says nothing about submitting to Marxism.. and censoring thought or behavior because of compulsory attendance in our schools is mandated to be subjected to Secular Dogma by Progressive bigots like you telling them how to think

    Separation of Church and State was so no Pope .. No State Church as the Jacobins installed in Revolutionary France.. or no Religion can be legislated or purged into exile..


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