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Friday, June 12, 2015

And So Began Salisbury News...


  1. Remember when Biden told that guy to stand up?

  2. Spot on Mr. Albero!

  3. Yea Joe! Thanks for what you do.

  4. that guy was a bad dude in Roadhouse

  5. most people sign anonymous BECAUSE they don't have the balls to voice their own opinion i am too old to really care what the public thinks of me,BUT i sign my name God bless America my country,right or wrong

  6. I disagree don Skidmore. It's not that people don't have the nerve but that they are cautious. Most of society has no concept of freedom of speech (remember it's goal is to protect speech you don't like) and have become so uncivilized that they will try and destroy or even harm those who voice an opinion they don't like or isn't politically correct.
    The PC police doesn't believe in diversity or individuality. They want everyone to be robot human beings who have to all act and think alike.

  7. 11:38 You are correct. My main reason for remaining anonymous. I do not want to be targeted.

  8. One of a few stalwarts left.

  9. And they can trace your computer and iphone IDs. Nothing is secret anymore.

  10. Blogger don Skidmore said...
    most people sign anonymous BECAUSE they don't have the balls to voice their own opinion i am too old to really care what the public thinks of me,BUT i sign my name God bless America my country,right or wrong
    June 12, 2015 at 11:18 AM

    everybody voices their opinion on here dipwad. most know what freaks are out there and don't want anyone stalking them. Maybe you want some company I don't know. But anyone who says God bless my country when it's wrong has a screw loose anyway. Have a nice day hero.


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