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Sunday, June 07, 2015

SPD Press Release 6-3-15 (Barricade Investigation)


  1. So..... He had an argument? So what? He said he would run over people. So what? Said he had a gun. So what? All of these are legal to do and say in Maryland . He refused to come to the door. So what? His right not to do so. The cops never heard or saw anything. By law this was for people to go to the commissioner. Not cops to go this far.

  2. He was outside with a knife and was threatening people. He had tried to fight multiple residents over the weekend and the day before this happened. He was a crazy person that needed to be removed from this complex before he hurt someone.

    1. And that was read where? Not this article. Try again.

    2. Why weren't police called then? Removed? He lives there. Pays rent. How about go to the rental office and find a way to evict him or not renew a lease. Point is people are going to be pissed. Some live day to day like that. Its their rights to do so. Its your right to move yourselves or your families away from a situation that you fear. I think this man has been targeted by residents of the community and probably messed with till he finally broke or said his peace. You live in an apartment complex in Salisbury. Like you complaining residents are real good people yourselves. None of this press release has shown enough to believe a crime was committed by anyone.

    3. Thank you for your comment it's very important people know the severity of this mans actions

    4. 10:50? Nobody above had agreed or helped your argument. Are you OK?

    5. June 3rd 8:37 am did someone report that to police ?

  3. Was this not stated in the press release to skew the crime statistics in Salisbury yet again?

  4. 8:30-Maybe you should call Mr Finkle and offer him your spare bedroom.You seem to be very understanding of the situation and see no harm in what he has done.The rest of us don't want to be around him.

    1. Just because you don't want to be around him doesn't mean he gets locked up. I seem to be very understanding of the law. From this release no law has been broken.

    2. Maybe you should invite him to your place for tea and crumpets darling

    3. Thank you 9:09am , my thoughts exactly. 8:30 wasn't there to see nor are they going to be directly effected by the situation so they think it's all hog wash . And they keep mattering on saying the cops overreacted , well they should be only to happy to take Mr. Finkle in when he gets released shouldn't they . Smh

    4. Your ignorance shows. No one is saying dude isn't crazy or a problem. All that's being said is according to this release ,there was no crime committed and he was within his rights. I'll tell you like I tell illegals and Muslims..... Don't like the law then move!

    5. Can't
      Get a grip lady.

    6. Lmao! I was on the same line as you!

  5. Where is the gun? Thats the ONLY reason they came with such force. No gun? I bet not.

    1. Exactly. Police overreacting and reaching over what? Not facts! What people said. Folks we have commissioners that will lock anyone up if you swear it happened. If his actions scared people the day before why didn't people file? This man has a right to say what he wants. Even threats! Only public employees and officials are protected from threats. And he doesn't have to answer a door for police. That's the problem with society. Your feelings don't count people.

    2. You should share a room with the man for 5 minutes before making people think he's harmless shouldn't you ? I bet you couldn't

    3. You have no idea who I am lady. I fear no man! And your personal feelings don't trump rights and law! Maybe if your kids had a father around you wouldn't be so scared.

  6. if any of the anonymous members of his community have a video of this please notify authorities thank you

  7. why are you so concerned with his rights person above? I agree his neighbors should have filed a complaint. Were you there at the situation ? im sure you would have pissed your pants scared and ran in your house like a coward. And then say he has a right to threaten people .what kind of person are you .its called harassment and its against the law. The problem is people with dangerous mental problems are not taken seriously enough by the law so are we just supposed to sit and deal with it ? further more whether the police saw or heard the threats themselves they responded because it was multiple people complaining so how do you know its not facts .its stated in the police report and why would anyone make that kind of a situation up .you have no idea of what people are capable of until its too late ?what then ?

    1. Harassment is not a crime. Your an idiot.and you can and do have a right to threaten anyone but a public official. Know your law. Call the cops and ask or move to Delaware where its against the law to threaten a tree.

    2. Were you there at the incident ? Are you being directly effected by it ? If no then mind your business . Or you should continue making assumptions on someone you have no experience being around .

    3. How do you know I don't know him? Ever think I'm a neighbor and knows who the real problem of this complex is? Maybe if you didn't talk about him in front of him he wouldn't act out.

    4. Kudos..... Is that you? Same tired lines .

  8. he's a sick person .why should everyone else have to move cuz of one person who is a problem .he has protective orders out on him so don't be so quick to defend him.

    1. They shouldn't have to. But if they don't want to deal with it then move or call for the apt managers to act. So what if protective orders where on him. I see no charge for that. He's not at their houses violating the order so that's mute. And I guess every mentally I'll person should be locked up. You can't justify this. Hopefully Luke Rommel will stop this over reach of police to the commissioners!

  9. .its stated in the police report and why would anyone make that kind of a situation up .you have no idea of what people are capable of until its too late ?what then ?

    June 3, 2015 at 1:26 PM

    kops lie all the time sir. verbal threats is something one should go to the police and make a complaint. I guess no one has heard about the VERY recent ruling by the ussc regarding threats. no one has to answer a door for police or even talk to them. over reaction yet again. now we have thought police?

  10. We were given a press release. From the press release we put together the facts, which the police put out there, and came to a conclusion. The conclusion? Mass military-like response for a guy who was angry with his neighbors.
    Where is the gun?

    1. Just as we went off the release of the boy murdered by the deputy. That release screams murder! Screams rights violations. Just like this does. Its got to stop! The police here on the forgotten shore have got way out of hand. Out of sight and mind as far as the rest of Maryland goes.

  11. Does anyone know his street address please ?

  12. Kudos look it up on the case search. He has a recent traffic ticket listed on there.

    1. Yes I see that now thanks

    2. That's not his current address in Salisbury because he got his apartment there under a fake name per admission of an anonymous resident there .

    3. Omg. Got an apartment with a fake name now? I think you have some obsession with destroying this man. Is he cheating on you or something? Smdh. Leave it alone. Let the courts throw this out and be over with it.

  13. Barricade my ass. You have no obligation to answer your door for police or any other "official" or the rental manager. Also, without a warrant, the police may not enter your residence or have the rental manager grant access without probable cause. The words and accusations of 100 other residents do not substitute for direct observation by a sworn officer of a crime having been committed. And if police did enter and he defended himself, they would have shot him and not been prosecuted. Avoid all contact with police. Video tape everything and consider direct upload to the cloud. You may end up dead at the hands of the Gestapo but maybe they will have to answer for it. Sieg Heil.

    1. Excuse me but were you there at the situation ? No you probably would have crapped your pants . People age such big mouths to blurt the opinions out on your perception of what you think occurred. The press dose not usually release a lot of the facts. How do you know what was going on and the protocol for police procedure if you weren't there ?

    2. It's common sense. The man was already in his house when police got there. No gun was ever seen. Therefore according to Maryland law you Missy have to go to the commissioner along with anyone else. The police can always knock. But the man doesn't have to answer. And unless the police witnessed it first hand ...it is hearsay. That is the protocol for police procedure.

  14. Blogger Kudos said...
    Were you there at the incident ? Are you being directly effected by it ? If no then mind your business . Or you should continue making assumptions on someone you have no experience being around .

    June 4, 2015 at 1:48 AM

    Maybe you should follow your own advice? And what the heck does 'mattering' mean?

  15. I can't reveal who I am for safety reason but I most certainly will be effected if he goes with out being charged. You don't know this persons past as I do and his behavior is only getting worse

    1. I think your the problem. I think you somehow started this . I think you realized you screwed the pooch and your now scared of the repercussions. I think your a mouthy woman who won't let things go.

  16. That was his address when he was pulled over just a few days ago. If he has moved he should have gone to dmv and gotten a change of address card. I wonder if the post office could give you the new forwarding address.

  17. Yes that's because he got his new address under a fake name and the people at the Island club hill apartments didn't do a background check so his license he shows the cops is going to be his real indintity but not the one on file at the apartment where he got arrested . Thank you though

    1. So....what will the apt managers see about you? Its obvious you have some kind of issues/past.

  18. I'm looking for Ray finkle and a clean pair of shorts

  19. Ummm . am I the only one thinking pet detective here? Wasn't that the same name as in the movie? Wasn't he a woman at the end? Is Mr Finkle and kudos one in the same? Both are crazy as hell apparently.

  20. Haha these responses are all funny , I can't reveal who I am but my life is in danger if he gets out with no charges. If no one believes me than I can't help that . All I have is the truth that will slowly come out but it takes a long time for that. Its very scary that's why I'm carrying on. But no one cares everyone would rather say I'm crazy than help me with information I need .

  21. 10:30 you ever think my safety is in Jeopardy from this man? That a piece of paper from the courts isn't gonna keep someone from hurting a person. The law doesn't do much until someone really gets hurt by him.I bet you wouldn't say that if someone was threatening you , it's easy for you to say I'm crazy etc.cuz this person isn't a threat to you .None of this effects you directly so just say what you want I guess .

  22. 10:50 of course no one agrees with me I'm apparently crazy because I'm scared of this man and the law doesn't do much until someone physically hurts another so am I supposed to sit back and watch people defend a person that wants to harm me? A piece of paper from the courts isn't gonna stop that .That's all the protection I have until it's too late right

    1. Here it is.... " she's " scared of this man. She's the one with the protective order. She's the one who stayed around a scary man. She...she..she..! I believe you made up this crap to have him locked up. Probably lied on him to get the order. It amazes me that of all the people living there and 50k views a day on this site. that your the only one with a gripe. Maybe your the crazy one stuck with this " bad man " after you in your head.

  23. June 3rd at 8:37 am did you report that to the police? A statement about what you saw could help protect people. Thank you for your comment


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