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Sunday, June 07, 2015

Family served arrest warrants for 'disturbing the peace' at graduation

Four people who cheered -- allegedly excessively -- for their loved ones at a high school graduation ceremony in Senatobia, Mississippi, say they've now been slapped with an excessive punishment.

Two weeks after watching her niece walk across the stage at Senatobia High School's graduation ceremony on May 21, Ursula Miller received a warrant for her arrest for disturbing the peace.

"I just called her name out. 'Lakaydra,' Just like that," Miller told CNN affiliate WREG.

Now, Miller said, she has to appear in court or could face at least a $500 fine.



  1. Must have forgot we live in a police state.

  2. attend any local graduation and you will see the same. It's always the black families that whoop and yell for their kin. I love this story. They were warned.

  3. I understand the frustration, as some people cannot contain themselves, but this is a bit ridiculous.

  4. Have you been to some of the graduations around here? They need to slap some of those fines on people who attend at civic center.

  5. The rudeness displayed at graduations, etc, is truly annoying but the fine seems excessive to me. I doubt this was the only family to act foolish. There's always a couple of families who really go over the top. Requiring tickets and limiting the number of people who can attend seems like a good solution. You could also ban people from attending future graduations. Other than that I'm not sure there's much you can do. It's probably more annoying to the teachers and administrators who have to put up with it year after year than it is to the other families attending the graduation.

  6. It is George Bushes Fault

  7. 4:50 must have forgotten we live in a state where 90% of said group live and act like thugs that disregard law for some reason thinking standards of decency and common respect don't apply to them.
    That goes for the police too unfortunately.

    1. Which "said"group, High School graduates?

  8. You know..I too think its slightly annoying with all the hollering but I really think its not that big a deal because they are just happy their kid made it this far. Are they ignorant for being so lound and emotional or are we just so stuffy and boring that we just give a clap. I dont know. That arrest warrant is some nazi shht though. This country is just wack.

  9. Hey for some of these students this is going to be the crowning achievement of their lives, Let them celebrate the way they want too.

  10. All were asked at the beginning to hold applause until the end, and to remain silent during the awards ceremony.

    One race follows instructions and respects authority.

    Yet another ain't got no use fo' dat crap.

  11. When the whooping and hollering takes forever, the administrator can wait for it to subside each time or just call the name of the next student which no one can hear. If everyone disobeyed the directive to hold applause until the end, graduations would take 10 hours. It is expected that most will feel obligated to do as requested, and all will accommodate those who do as they please.

  12. It's been the same old problem and the only real change has been in the names being yelled from say Barbara, Robin, Shelly, Mary to Shannanna, Tangerine, Hakim & Tangelo. Do they ever feel entitled to yell it out complete with expletives!

  13. They only hoop and holler cause they know their graduate isn't going any higher than a high school education.

  14. GOOD!! Lock em up for being ignorant and obnoxious. These type of people ruin many a social/public event with their stupidity. lack of respect and their lack of social dignity!

    1. If you lock up people for being ignorant and obnoxious the whole of Salisbury would be incarcerated

  15. Some people cannot act respectfully and dignified.

  16. 703..your "higher education" isnt a ticket to success and mediocre middle class where you most likely sit your educated ass. Nor does it guarantee you will be a good person. I know plenty of college educated worthless trash and plenty of successful high school graduates and drop outs for that matter.

  17. All were asked at the beginning to hold applause until the end, and to remain silent during the awards ceremony.

    The same thing happens here. The audience is asked to act with decorum and they don't. I don't like it. I have even been to grad ceremonies where ingrates have used air horns. There is no excuse for it. If you want to yell and holler do it after the ceremony perhaps at a grad party. During the ceremony show respect. I don't like it want enforcement goes to the extreme but I am having trouble working up empathy for these willful disrespectful violators. Next year theschool might finally gave a proper grad event.

  18. I find it annoying to have to deal with fog horns and yelling at a graduation ceremony. Its the ignorant few that make it bad for everyone else. I'm glad they were arrested, maybe this will be an example to others to behave or be arrested. It's called common sense! I had to deal with this at both my Son's graduation ceremony's. One in 2012 and another recently at Bennett where both my son's graduated. Both times they asked to keep it quit, and not be disruptive, and both times there were some idiots who refused to behave. They are usually the same groups of people. No respect for anyone else!

  19. Look how they dress for a ceremony. No sense of decorum for what used to be place where people knew how to behave.
    It is like showing up at a funeral in tee shirt. What is wrong with a little class people?

  20. Asking people to hold their applause to the very end us kind of unrealistic anyway. As long as they don't slow things down, the graduates don't stop and do a flailIng break dance on the stage, just keep walking briskly across the stage, take the diploma, one shake, a smile and move it on down the line, so their family whoops it up like they never had anyone graduate before. Big deal. For all anyone knows, that could have been the first person in their family to actually get a high school diploma.

    As long as they don't let them take more time than the 20 seconds or so allotted each, let them screech like Bantus. When the next student enters the stage, they'll pipe down.

    In fact, they'll probably all get up and leave after "their" graduate walks off stage, as we've seen in recent news. They're not interested in the valedictorian or anyone else but themselves.

    Yes, black people are known to be inappropriately loud, especially in groups. They can't help it. But as long as they aren't permitted to interrupt other people's time, so what?

  21. You conservatives rant to no end about liberty, but as soon as someone exercises some freedom you want to lock em up for irritating you, hypocrites!!

  22. So wrong. Just trying to keep her down and suppress her. Think I'll give her a free phone housing car and free electric.

  23. Remember our POTUS folks ! Enough said !

  24. I've seen these type of people at graduations , all they want is to be recognized by yelling and screaming and screwing up the ceremony .
    Most are the Ferguson and Baltimore types . IDIOTS command attention.

  25. After attending the graduation ceremony for Parkside last Saturday night the people of this area are absolutely IGNORANT! Other commenters seem to imply the main problem lies in skin color but after being there last Saturday night I have to disagree. The disrespect was on both sides, Black and White the ignorance crossed to both sides. With that being said the disrespect is not towards the attending parents and friends as much as it is to the students receiving the diploma. When a person in the attending crowd is yelling and whistling the next Student being called is not given the due respect of their name being heard when called. Another issue is when the administrator calling the name of the student CANNOT pronounce the students name CORRECTLY!
    If they actually want to same some time on stage and get done with the graduation a little quicker take some of the hand shaking out. For instance get Fredrickson off the stage as well as others shaking the students hands that the students for the most part could give a rats behind about. Graduation ceremonies are about the student not the administrators profiling on stage and some of which need to step aside and let it proceed. The student did not actually receive their diploma on stage they received an empty binder and had to go to another room after the ceremony to get it. This was to insure they acted correctly while walking the walk. Trouble is their is little they can do about the IGNORANT a$$es in the crowd that cannot follow the simple request to be mindful and respect the next person whose name is being called out.

    1. It's kind of an empty threat. They've earned the high school diploma already, it's owed to them regardless of what they do walking up there. After the ceremony it would be given to them, or mailed to them anyway.

  26. It is always good when people are mature enough to abide by the rules instead of doing as they please. If you can't follow rules, don't complain when there's a consequence. However, if it's OK for some to whoop and holler, then it's OK for all to do it so discontinue the rule.

  27. If the blacks are primarily the problem, and they usually are, assign them to go first (they feel entitled) but don't allot them any more time than anyone else. When "their" own people are the ones who can't be heard because of their own noise, perhaps they will ask each other to be quieter. As soon as their own relatives have their diplomas they will all leave anyway right in the middle of it. Or make them wait until last so they are not interrupting anyone but themselves.

  28. It's just like in public schools. Rules are only for those who will obey them. If you're part of a group that can't follow the simplest instructions, there will be no consequences because that would increase the number of office referrals and/or suspensions.

  29. Good. Send the message that if you can't conduct yourself according to the rules, you will face the consequences!

  30. I know these people. I sat in front of them at the last (and it was the LAST!) movie I saw in Salisbury.

  31. 12:55 But what if...the rules are "racist" because...well, I dunno, but "we can't or won't follow the rules so it must be racism"!

    It's "racism" to expect that they follow the same rules as everyone else, and "racism" to expect them to face the consequences.

  32. 2016 sharpton will be back on mute. Things will get better.

  33. The Daughter better go into pre-law ..or have six babies


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