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Friday, June 12, 2015

School support staff feeling pay squeeze, too

Dealing with less vocal support than teachers enjoy, yet doing the work needed for the maintenance and operations of the county’s schools, the Worcester County Education Support Personnel Association is feeling the same squeeze as educators in terms of property tax and health care costs, but also without a raise to show for it.

Worcester teachers engaged in a “work to rule” protest, starting their day exactly when contractually obligated and leaving precisely as described, to draw attention to a 2016 county budget that excluded funding for step increases.

The county commissioners allocate funds for the board of education in 13 discrete areas, one of which is salaries. Teachers and support staff negotiate with the school board based on those figures to determine annual salaries.

“We’re the first ones there and the last to leave,” Ivory Smith, president of the support staff union said, “Teachers can work to rule, but we’re hourly. We come in on time, and if we stay later we’re compensated. I can’t ask our members to give that up. Yes, it might be sending a statement but it could be seen as not wanting to do our jobs.”



  1. They all have their hands out, but there is no tax base to pay for it. If they don't like it, please leave!!!!

  2. Another uneducated minimum wage loser complaining about people who have decent jobs.

  3. The loser I see is a grunt from the BOE who is too lazy to work in the real world for real wages! Your the loser. Parasite off of the tax paying citizens!

  4. Oh yes, look at all the support you see here. Why is it that any time someone else wants a raise in a job that differs from your own, people tend to act like that job is not difficult? People were just complaining about teachers wanting more. The way I see it, it is called jealousy because everyone wants to be paid more...

  5. 4:26
    Wages are going down, not going up. There is a lot of competition for the few jobs out there and most of them are 30 hours or less due to Obama. You know, the hope and change you liberals wanted. Now you have it, and now we are broke. Overtaxed and overburdened with a higher cost of living that requires families to either cut back on things like entertainment and cable or get another job just to help pay for bottom feeders like you! All you BOE people do is cry and complain about wanting more when the rest of us are getting by with less! I for one, are fed up with you and rest of your lot! They need to start cleaning house and get rid of non performing teachers, administrators, and "support personnel"! If you don't like it, please leave and make it soon! The taxpayers of this county would be more than happy to show you the door!!

  6. Wicomico must have plenty of tax money because they don't feel any pain in their pocketbooks here!


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