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Friday, June 12, 2015

A Letter To The Editor: IRS SCAM CALLS

JOE- Received call this am from person identifying themselves as an IRS agent and giving a number to call as there had been no response and there would be charges. I called that number got a person who wanted info from me, ID information which if they were the IRS they should already have on file. I told them we had never been previously contacted, and there was nothing that we owe. the person kept trying to pursue info he needed told him I did not believe he was with the IRS and this was a fraud call and that I would be notifying the state police of the numbers they had given me and his supposed name, to which he then hung up on me. I did follow through after speaking to the police and called the IRS they said the info was indeed fraud because they never contact by phone and they took all the info I gave them for the IRS Fraud Line gave me a reference # to even follow up on.

Please let everyone know about this scam because the way they speak to you is threatening!


  1. This is a very common scam and there have been a lot of warnings about it on the news and I even believe SBY News has mentioned it a couple of times. When in doubt never call the number they offer back. If you want to be sure it was fake just look up the number online and call that office like you did to get confirmation.

  2. my sis in law got one of those calls yesterday and let me listen. said the irs is suing them. lol I told her it was scam and if irs, was gonna sue they wouldn't call they would have papers delivered in person or certified mail. when these jerks get caught they should also be charged with being stupid

  3. wow thieves impersonating thieves, has it really come to this?

  4. Thank you so much for warning Joe. He can be a little naive when it comes to scam phone calls.


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