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Friday, June 26, 2015

Report: IRS Illegally Awarding Contracts to Companies With Tax Debt

(CNSNews) - The Internal Revenue Service is prohibited by law from doing business with companies that owe back taxes or have felony convictions, but it doesn't always work out that way.

A report prepared in March and released Wednesday by the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) says the IRS awarded $18.8 million in contracts to 17 corporations with federal tax debt in Fiscal Years 2012 and 2013.

The investigation also found that one IRS contractor with a felony conviction received three contracts.

Beginning in FY 2012, federal law barred the IRS from using appropriated funds to hire contractors that have tax debt and/or felony convictions.

But following its investigation, "TIGTA found that the IRS did not have effective controls in place to prevent the award of contracts to corporations with certain federal tax debt and/or felony convictions."

TIGTA identified 17 corporations that were awarded a total of 57 contracts valued at about $18.8 million during FYs 2012 and 2013, while the corporations had federal tax debt.



  1. Surprise , not , the most corrupt administration ever.

  2. It's over folks , this last year under his highness will be unmerciful.
    He will and has destroyed everything this country was built on.
    The revolution will start shortly , but with his army around the states posed as police with armed vehicles will be hard to be.


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