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Friday, June 05, 2015

Poll: More Than Three-Quarters of Voters Back Voter ID Laws

More than three-quarters of likely voters think voter ID laws are needed in the United States, according to the results of a new survey.

The Rasmussen Reports poll found that 76 percent of people want the laws in place. Thirty-four states currently have voter ID laws at the polls.

Some Democrats want the laws removed because they think they're a form of discrimination, while conservatives would like them to remain in place — and want to see the remaining states enact similar laws.

Public support for voter ID laws was at 78 percent in 2006.

The Rasmussen data shows that 56 percent of Democrats support voter ID laws, compared to 92 percent of Republicans.

Further, voter ID laws have the support of 78 percent of people not affiliated with one of the major political parties, according to the Rasmussen figures.



  1. Since when does the Government care about the will of the people?

  2. Of Course they do...they have common sense and are Americans.

    However, Obama and his Commie Team try to make you think otherwise....

  3. Doesn't matter, it's unconstitutional.

  4. Not having voter ID's is just so totally outrageous ! If it is politically correct to have illegal aliens vote why don't we just send ballets to Russia, Iran,etc. and let them vote on our government reps? (Sorry, seems like we must have already done that in the last two elections)


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