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Friday, June 05, 2015

Let's Have an Honest Discussion About Bruce Jenner

Only a cruel person would wish Bruce Jenner ill will now that he has 'morphed' into Caitlyn Jenner. Hopefully, he is now at peace with himself.

Assuming he is, what are the chances he will stay that way?

Regrettably, they are not good. Worse, the glamorization of his condition is risky: It will only encourage those who are in rebellion against their nature not to seek professional help.

It is important to clarify what Jenner's condition is. Contrary to the conventional wisdom, he is not a transgender: he is a transsexual. Gender refers to socially learned roles that are appropriate for males and females; sex connotes a nature-determined status, as exemplified by the two sexes.

Gender roles, moreover, typically take their cues from nature; this explains the similarities in the way boys and girls are raised in different cultures. Moreover, boys are more aggressive than girls — in every society — and this has important social and cultural consequences. The reason has everything to do with nature: Boys have a higher level of testosterone than girls.

Are transsexuals mentally ill? Until two years ago, the answer was yes. In the 3rd edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, published in 1980, those who underwent sexual surgery were seen as suffering from a psychological disorder, often schizophrenia.

When DSM-4 was published in 1994, they were also considered mentally ill. But when DSM-5 was published in 2013, they were no longer listed. Instead, it was determined that such persons suffer from "gender dysphoria," not "gender identity disorder"; the new term refers to an emotionally distressful condition. What changed, however, were mores, not science.

Not everyone is buying into this politically correct interpretation of what is now called transgenderism. Dr. Paul McHugh is former psychiatrist-in-chief at Johns Hopkins Hospital. Not shy about challenging the conventional wisdom, he is adamant in his conviction that people like Jenner suffer from a mental disorder. What they need, he says, is treatment.

More here


  1. How soon before he moves to Rehoboth Beah and runs for mayor?

  2. Bottom line is that he is a sick person and needs serious help.

  3. Anybody got a Wheaties box with Caitlyn's picture???

  4. My thought is that most of you that are giving negative comments here are having your own serious issues with your own sexuality and gender identification. Leave this person alone and seek help for yourself.

    1. I agree with your statement. Who cares if he changed his gender. The ignorance on the eastern shore is laughable.

  5. 2:36.....your thoughts are self-serving and wrong.
    And we would like to leave this person alone, but he keeps shoving this crap in our face.
    And so does the media, trying to convince everyone that this is not deviant, strange, and outright weird. And trying to make everyone think that if they don't welcome this weirdness with open arms THEY are homophobic bigots or some other denigration.
    Hint: we don't have to "accept" anyone or anything, no matter what The View has to say. If he wanted to not only be a woman, but grow a tail like a dog, would we have to accept THAT without saying how whack it is??
    remember there is now a movement with psychiatric circles that wants to label pedophilia as a normal mental state and perfectly reasonable expression of one's sexual desires.
    Is there ANYTHING that some of you WOULDN'T label as strange?????

  6. "The ignorance on the eastern shore is laughable."

    Snarky elitist putz. Why don't you take a break from looking down your nose at everyone and share with us the bastion of intellectual superiority that you call home?

  7. Ditto 3:44.its the intolerance of these freaks that really gets my blood boiling.

  8. Maybe Kim will become a man.


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