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Thursday, June 18, 2015

Airport employee takes boy's lost stuffed tiger on adventure

Shortly after boarding a flight to Houston with his family, 6-year-old Owen Lake was frantically searching for his beloved stuffed tiger, Hobbes.

When the boy told his mother his favorite stuffed animal was gone, she called Tampa International Airport to report the "missing" handmade tiger.

Nearly an hour after their plane landed in Houston, Owen's mom, Amanda, got a call from the airport: the stuffed tiger was safe and sound in the airport's Lost and Found.

The mom breathed a sigh of relief, but her son was still feeling uneasy.

Hobbes was on an "adventure," she assured Owen, promising that he'll be back in his arms after their vacation ends.

Amanda's promise to her son couldn't be more true.

Back in Tampa, Airport Operations Center Manager Tony D'Aiuto, who was at the airport when the dispatch call came in from the boy's mom, decided to take Hobbes on "great adventures" around the airport.


1 comment:

  1. We need more people like them in this world.


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