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Sunday, June 14, 2015

A Message I Just Can't Hold Back Any Longer

Depending on what age you are, I want you to think back to when we were younger.

Back in my day, we grew up very poor. This is not a new story to most of you as well and I hope you will to relate to the rest of this message.

When we turned 16, (at least for me) there was no money available from my parents to buy me a car. Having two older brothers, knowing they had to work for anything they got, I started working full time, (after school, like my brothers) to hopefully save up something to buy a junker to get around when I came of age. Work was something that was a must. Either to save just a little for a car and the rest went to support my Family. 

Then came marriage and having children. Renting an apartment, then stepping up to renting a town house and years later saving enough money for a down payment of a home. 

Each experience left me extremely proud because I/We earned it. My point is, we couldn't go to Mom and Dad and ask for help financially. Fortunately my children saw how hard I worked and they have become very responsible men, I got lucky. However, many in their generation have become dependent on their parents and even I have to admit, (as many of you know) we've been raising our Grandson for a good 11 years now. 

THINK, back when I was raising my children, we couldn't depend on Mom or Dad to watch our kids because they too were working full time. 

So in a matter of the past 30 years I have watched the Liberal Elected Officials go SOFT and start pushing business owners to create day care facilities. We've had to adapt to being understanding while Teachers take so many "professional days" off and have one of the parents stay home with the kids. We've evolved now to a point we now have gender neutral bathrooms in schools. We've watched the FULL TIME JOBS almost disappear and health benefits, (something that was earned) skyrocket and Obamacare become a law in which you get fined for not having health insurance. 

I could go on and on about what has changed in the past 30 years but let me get to my point and you can add to this discussion/frustration through comments.

This isn't about me, it's about each and every one of you. I have spent the last 10 years dedicated every single day providing information WE feel extremely important to all of you. Whether it be financial information all the way to local breaking news, we've done everything in our power to keep you ahead of the curve to show you what the future is going to bring. 

In case you've missed it and you've been too busy working two jobs and trying to survive raising a Family, our government is purposely setting ALL of you up, little by little, day by day to become more and more dependent on them. NO, this isn't a conspiracy theory. It is a reality. Mom/Dad, I need money for a car. Mom/Dad, I need money for a down payment on a house. Mom/Dad, I need help with gas this week. Mom/Dad, I need help paying my rent/mortgage because my credit card debt is killing us. 

More and more people are becoming dependent on Food Stamps, Affordable Housing, Disability, Welfare and the list goes on and on. Parents are losing everything, so many generations of hard working Americans struggled for because we have become a dependent society because Liberals think everyone should be equal, unless you are in the 1% and making massive donations to the Liberal Party. 

Parents are spending incredible amounts of money to put their children through college, FOR A PART TIME JOB! Inexperienced young adults are putting themselves in debt in college loans and credit cards. 

So how do we beat this? How can we encourage younger people to wake the hell up and see what the future will ultimately bring them? We published an article this week showing how home ownership is no longer the American Dream. Do you REALLY understand what that means? Do you understand that people who RENT do NOT take care of those properties as they would if it was their own? Do you understand that transient living brings CRIME? Do you really realize where our Liberal leadership is leading you. 

I stated years ago that our government will take every penny you have. Then you'll borrow from your Family until that runs out. Then they'll get you to borrow until you can't pay that any more. They will bring you to a point you must become dependent on your government to survive. If this pattern continues, WHY on earth would you want to raise a Family in America any more? 

Work so hard and build up a small empire you are proud of and then Liberals step in and say, we need gay marriage. We need to let ALL undocumented and illegals to become citizens because we need their votes to keep scamming these stupid Americans who can't see into the future. All the while you are watching your financial empire disappear.

I wonder, just what will it take before the masses wake up and realize, this is NOT the kind of country I want or worked so hard for. One of the things I want ALL of you to realize is, the changes that have happened over the past 30 years has been slow and gradual. It's kind of like raising a child every day. They grow and mature but when a relative comes over once a year and says, my how you've grown, you don't recognize it as much because you live it every day. 

They LOVE Fergison, Baltimore, Travon Martin and other parts of the country falling apart. They do NOT want you concentrating on the future.

After so many years of trying to bring you information we feel is extremely important, DO YOU ACTUALLY GET IT? 

To be completely honest, I'm not sure things can turn back around any more. I guess it all depends on what YOU and your children want as a country. Do we keep shopping at WalMart while they put all those small businesses out of business. Do we keep using large chain Banks, or do we start supporting the local, (yet few) Banks who can provide a better service. America was built on small businesses and Liberals keep throwing out laws and taxes to shut them down. Take for example the local Salisbury Rain Tax many of you just started getting bills for. If the federal government and state government can't get you, your local government will. 

You people better start waking up. Look, just remember every time your kids come to you asking for HELP, think back to this article and remember how we survived. WE WORKED because we had to! 

If you want YOUR America back, FIGHT FOR IT. Start looking at candidates a whole different way. Start looking for elected officials who want to bring America back to its proud days. JOBS, JOBS, JOBS! Isn't that what each and every local elected official promised  each and every voter??? Well, it's been 6 months since the last election, WHERE'S THE JOBS? Do you ever see your local media going after each and every one of these candidates about their promises? 

We've been at this a lot of years. You may not agree with a lot of articles we've published but one thing is for sure, we're the only source out there that delivers you information that EDUCATES. If you think what we do is easy, please, start your own Blog and replace me/us. We could use the vacation/retirement. 


  1. Great article, Joe. You are spot on. Thanks for all you do and have for years. I'm a grateful reader.

  2. I've been waiting for what Culver's vision is for the jobs he promised. Still waiting....

  3. No truer words could have been spoken. I am almost 78 years old and this fits my life to a tee. This is how I raised my children especially with the car issue. I could afford it but they earned every last dime and bought their own. They may have been older models but they looked just like they came off the showroom floor. Why? because they earned them. At my age I think the past is gone forever and it has become an entitlement society. Look back at what happened to Rome and we are almost there. Read history!

  4. There are many of us that feel the same. However , how do we change the system ? You and I know that the voting system in this country is crooked and the right cannot win anymore. Having said that , I hate to say it , but I will , civil war may be the only way to recover.
    Obama and the left have had such an effect on the nation , I feel it is impossible to turn things around without an uprising with many casualties . I guess some people as they say , can't see the forest because of the trees. Anyway , I'm in my 70's , I've seen a lot did my time in the army draft , infantry , raised a family , bought a home , worked my guts off to have this BS going on.
    The last thing I will say is , got ammo , got guns , got food and got a lot of compassion for the bill of rights and the constitution. It's almost here folks , the shot heard around the world!

  5. when the Common Core-educated masses are taught the gubmint is responsible for everything, including jobs, our Republic is done for
    gubmint employees are represented by unions which exist for the purpose of draining individuals for the success of the ruling class elite collective
    thank you, Joe, for all your efforts to get the truth out, for the truth WILL set us free!

  6. It strikes me as ridiculous that the local print and TV media w/ all their resources and employees cannot generate a product that even comes close to that of one dedicated blogger and a small dedicated staff.
    Only place to get news.

  7. Actually leaving the shore after nearly 20 years was a blessing.....moved to a Republican governed state....2 years in and no need for a second job....life has improved greatly......delmarva in my rear view mirror was the start of something good......I highly recommend it.....

  8. This message is nothing new on your media. You have been telling it a little each day for as long as I've been reading the posts.
    Some of us have grasped the truth and held on , others will be left by the wayside.
    I've been reading your post since 2007 , we have similar values. I do think I'm a little more radical , probably from the military in the 60's.
    I have spoke to you several times and still wear your cammo tee shirt for mayor.
    Do keep up the very good work you do on this blog. It would not be a good thing to depend on the local news , a day late and a dollar short. See you on the front lines!

  9. 11:24, Congratulations, enjoy your newly found success in good health.

    It's hard for me to sit idle and watch the Eastern Shore fall deeper in the hole when it truly is not necessary.

    Is it easy to pull out of this mess, absolutely not. However, NOTHING I ever did was easy and I can say the same from everyone in my generation and before.

    I'm sick and tired of politicians telling you what you want to hear and then NONE of you go after them when it is proven they are not capable of delivering and that especially goes for your local Press.

    Hold people accountable. When the next jackass comes along and say they want to bring JOBS, demand they tell you HOW!!!!!

  10. Yes the past is gone forever....it's called the progression of things....everything changes....and it's called life....yes we all can say we miss something from the past....and it's true but time goes forward. Anyone of you who really thinks things are bad all over needs to stop believing what the media puts out and go out and see for yourselves.....Away from the shore.......no it isn't rosy everywhere and in some cases like the shore it never really was. Most parts of this country aren't as bad off as you folks think. Yes there of lots of issues and both parties are to blame. Find a place with tourism,retail sales,industry,and people and you won't find too many complaints.....and probably a lot of progress. The shore has brought a lot of crap on itself.....who thought bypasses were a good idea....could someone tell me? Bypass entire areas and business will die off....look around Salisbury......no the shore will probably never come back......to many sheep that follow and complain instead of lead.......but keep pointing fingers.......I guess you all have to do something......

  11. Great job Joe! I feel the same way and I grew up with parents that worked hard and raised a good family. We were taught at a very early age to respect ourselves and others. We were taught about GOD and what faith really is about. When I became a young adult, my dad went with me to look for a used car so I could have my own transportation to work. I worked six days a week and went on to college. I'm am personally proud of the struggles, and the hardships that went with my story because those struggles taught me to never quit, and never ever give up. I've held the loving hands of my parents, and other family members as they were dying, and a part of me died with each one of them. I thought those previous struggles were hard, they were easy compared to losing all my loved ones!

    I hate what has happened to this country, and all of us who still truly love America need to stand up and be counted. Our failure, I believe was listening to liberal voices that try to make you feel good about yourself. NO STOP!! The only voice you must listen to is the TRUTH! Everyone needs to ask themselves why are the candidates saying what they are, who has demonstrated leadership abilities, and what is their track record?

    Life is more than surviving, it is more than time we all realize that the liberals, and far left-thinking people are no more than robots who can't and won't think for themselves and only want a touchy,feeling good way of life, people that don't want anyone to care about voting honestly, religion, go ahead and live for the moment pleasures, don't judge me mentality. In my time on earth I have seen we better start judging!

    Thank you again Joe for your dedication, your articles, and your humor, and also for your help with the lost animals.

    GOD bless you and your family.

  12. Just look at the turnout Hillary got today and realize there is no hope for us.

    1. And how many were paid to show up as a ploy for americans to think she is the next best thing to sliced bread with butter!

  13. This is so true. Thank you for sharing.

  14. I don't always agree with you but that article was spot on!!

  15. 11:42 the bypass has NOTHING to do with it. Local traffic is already a nightmare and you want the "shore" traffic jamming up the local roads? Really? You think that they are going to stop here in Smallsbury for ANYTHING they can not get in OC? Is there ANYTHING they can not get in OC?

    I just got back, from the nightmare traffic in Ocean City. I left early this morning to beat it and .. well .. nope, sat in it for hours. Watched complete morons cut me off as if they are going to beat the 100 traffic lights and thousand of cars ahead of us, only to end up beside them while smiling and flipping em the bird. And you think that having that kind of traffic here will bring prosperity? Really?

    Didn't quite grasp the context of the article if all you got out of it is your illogical concern over the bypass.

  16. This is the first place and last place I go for the truly honest news and information, thank you Joe!

  17. only to end up beside them while smiling and flipping em the bird. And you think that having that kind of traffic here will bring prosperity? Really?

    Didn't quite grasp the context of the article if all you got out of it is your illogical concern over the bypass.

    June 13, 2015 at 2:11 PM

    ur just not a nice person

  18. Joe -- unfortunately the point of no return has been passed under Obama.

    The fat lady has sung.

  19. Joe, I hope you will continue what you are doing here. We are presently making room in our home for adult children that live on the western shore in the city and hoping all the while that they will not need to move. The have a wonderful life and work very hard. The government (as you have stated) is inching its way further and further into our lives and making it almost impossible for us...especially someone starting out. At our age, we know what is going on...because we have seen this before only never thought it would happen in this country. But when things fall apart (and I'm thinking sooner than later)....they will have 4 walls with us. I am saddened more and more by what is happening in this country. I don't view the shore as a place that will economically fold up...I view it as a place that will offer shelter from the coming economic collapse. The people that grew up the way you described will make it through but so many people feel that they are entitled to it free that the cities will be a very frightening place. Too many people ...too few jobs. I hope I am totally wrong on this, but I love my family too much to wait and see...we are making a place. If we don't need it... we just increased our property value. Wishing everyone well.

  20. Actually the bypass has a lot to do with it....you lost the people who may stop and purchase things on their way to oc.....you people just don't get it.....it's called a bypass for a reason.....you can blame Obama all you want....sure he's a moron....but both parties are to blame. If you remember he was elected as the recession was in full swing.....the shore has nothing to offer a company....that's why they don't come.....living in swfl I can tell you florida gets it and it's booming.

  21. 4:13 - the moron who cut me off and nearly side swiped me while pushing me into the bus lane is the one who is not a nice person.
    He is lucky all I did was flip him the bird.

  22. 6:46 what exactly would they be stopping to buy here? A slushy?

    Tell you what, next weekend you go sit your arse in OC traffic for 2 hours and then tell me that is what you want for this community. Bumper to bumper traffic with every out of town selfish moron who doesn't give a spit about this community. That is not going to bring prosperity.

    Jobs, good job, good companies, entertainment. That is LONG TERM prosperity.
    Not littering slushy buying morons

  23. Jobs, good job, good companies, entertainment. That is LONG TERM prosperity.
    Not littering slushy buying morons

    June 13, 2015 at 8:14 PM

    No good companies want to come here because of the locals attitudes and mentality. Most are too negative and whiners.

  24. We are a tourist area. Expect summer traffic especially in the resort areas. This is one of the ways successful locals make their livelihood.

    all my children are employed as are the children of all our friends ( resort work by the way). I am trying to think of somebody we know who have children not doing well. There must be somebody but I can;t think of any.

    Everybody has a good work ethic. Nobody is on drugs. I expect my grandchildren to become successful as adults too.

    I know some people don't have much going for them but unfortunately that is the way it has always been. The glass is always half empty for them or worse.

  25. This is really good Article. It certainly hits close to home - as I have watched thousands of eastern shore manufacturing jobs simply vanish. There are many fingers to point at - that one could pin as the culprit - and it is just as Joe has said; 'It has happened gradually'. Fact is - Ross Perot back in 1994 - said that NAFTA was going to be a vacuum cleaner that would suck out the remaining manufacturing base from this County - guess what it did!!!!

    And yet people keep electing those into office that do what - create more and more burdensome regulations coupled with higher and higher taxes.

    Personally, I think the Country is already to far gone to pull out of this morass. The National Debt has escalated under Obama to more an all of the other Presidents combined. Yet the MSM keeps this news suppressed. What about a Federal audit of the Federal Reserve that Ron Paul, and, his son Rand Paul has called for. Nope - haven't heard a word about holding this institution accountable. Fact is - they don't want to be audited because it might reveal that the Federal Reserve itself is more insolvent than Bernie Madoff's ponzi scheme. Yet - the Feds keep the presses continuously running round the clock - forming fictitious entities to buy their own bonds.

    Soon - this will escalate into yet another national calamity - and this time I'm not so certain that the US economic system can survive.

  26. Manufacturing and the middle class have been slammed ever since Regan. Steel, cars, for two examples disappeared from during that time. It has been all about the wealthy ever since.
    As long as those stock prices rise it is all that matters. With most of peoples retirement now tied to the stock market it has to produce, no matter what, or the average Joe is screwed. But he is either way because his jobs are getting sent to the lowest bidder, outside the US.
    But as long as it increases profits it is the American way.

  27. Same as Harris 10:18, still waiting.

  28. 1:00,going to take more than a few months to turn around years of liberal destruction of job loss and regulations.

  29. Culver too busy dealing with crazy mayor on fire service debacle that Pollitt should have dealt with.

  30. Sorry to say, but I think a peaceful dissolution of this country is the only answer. People are too polarized to be one nation, ever again.

    1. I disagree. That's one answer, but not necessarily the best one. An uprising by the majority, putting a stop to divisive, polarizing tactics, is the only way I can think of at this point, to stop the divide from spreading and allow it to mend.

  31. Stupid Liberals with all their education and state jobs and such.......why didn't I get a degree? Why don't I have a state job? Why isn't my business successful? Two words, personal choice. If your not successful it isn't the government's fault. I know people who work for the government, own private businesses, and work in private industry. Guess what? All of my friends are successful. They also all had to work very hard to get where they are today! People who work for the government have more free time, but my friends that own their own business have way more CASH FLOW, and don't have to worry about every little thing they say or do. They also get a tremendous amount of tax write offs. They work extremely hard, but they reap the rewards. On the flip side, a state employee that has went and paid for their own college and voluntary taken themselves out of the job market for 4-6 years has also made a huge sacrifice. Imagine they worked and only made 25k a year.....over 6 years that's 150k they missed out on in lost wages, and they had to pay 15k per year while in school (that's a low ball estimate). So on a low ball figure a college graduate is losing about a QUARTER OF A MILLION DOLLARS before entering the work force.....please stop acting like this is less of a risk than opening your own business because that's just a lie. When you go bankrupt in business you get to clear away your debt......when you go bankrupt with student loans they stay with your FOREVER!

  32. 6 mos is not enough time to fix the liberals mess either.

  33. Lots of rambled comments here - but all have the same message. People are sick and tired of what is happening and have no idea of how to turn it around. I had thought I wanted a woman president and would like to see one before I die BUT not HILARY Some people will vote for her, just because she is a woman not because they like her policies or ideas, like they did by voting for Obama - the first bi-racial president. Maybe that "white" black NAACP chick can run and we'll have our first trans-racial female president. We already know she is a liar, so she's qualified for the job.

  34. Government is the problem a perfect example the water crisis in California the rich continue to use all water they want while everyone else will be arrested for overuse.

  35. 12:59 said: "Manufacturing and the middle class have been slammed ever since Regan. Steel, cars, for two examples disappeared from during that time..."

    Your analysis is faulty. If you were to look at the facts you would see that although steel production did peak in the late 70's and early 80's the current US production of steel is only about 10% less than that peak. Also our consumption of steel has always been close to our production of steel. Also if you would do some research you would find that peak US production of automobiles happened in 1999 well after Reagan left office. But hey why should a few facts get in the way of someones preconceived notions of what is wrong with the world. Sorry I butted in.

  36. And then there is the civil war that many of us can see coming because of the road our government is leading us down. Race against Race and Religion against Religion.


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