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Sunday, May 03, 2015

Your Tax Dollars Paid for Boston Bomber's Family's Trip to U.S.

Survivors of the Boston Marathon bombing are outraged after learning that family members of convicted bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev were flown to the U.S., put up in a hotel and provided with extensive security – all paid for with taxpayer dollars.

"Fox and Friends Weekend" broke down the numbers, and they are shocking.

Anna Kooiman reported that it cost $2,500 per person to fly to the U.S. from Amsterdam, $200 per person a night at the hotel, $100,000 for round-the-clock security, plus lawyer fees.

"[This] shouldn't surprise you because you've been paying for it since day one," Tucker Carlson said. "Mrs. Tsarnaev was brought here along with her boys, the ones she claimed that were wronged, at your expense."

"They claimed asylum and then they immediately went on welfare. They've been living at taxpayer expense on the dole all these years, and now their extended family is doing the same."



  1. Why is welfare so easy for illegals while our own suffer this is insanity and must stop

  2. Didn't the Bush Administration fly the Bin Laden relatives OUT of the country just days after 9/11?

  3. Who are making these decisions and where is the money appropriated from? And, Obama is planning to bring 75,000 more Muslims here to live off taxpayers. We need to put a stop to it now.

  4. This is absurd it is not fair to the people of Boston, tax payers or to this country. If the situation was the reverse, would that country have done the same?, no, we know the answer.

  5. Obama taking care of fellow Muslims,

  6. democrats are cutting their own throats the current administration would rather care for illegals and muslims than take care of the the american citizen children that are going barefoot and/or hungry and don't even start me on the plight of most native americans everyone should read the history of the "trail of tears" and worry about the injustices done to ANY american since this country was founded many immigrants come here for a better life,but many,including many u.s. citizens think they are entitiled to be a ward of the state get off your lazy asses and work,american taxpayers didn't bring your children into this world,you did NOW support them

  7. Easy answer, 9:23. Because the dumbocrats are buying more voters.

  8. 10:11-bin Laden's family wasn't here on asylum which means they were afraid so fled their own country so were given refuge in the US.
    Huge difference, unless of course the definition of asylum is foreign to you.
    Besides they paid their own way. They were "evacuated" meaning given protection while fleeing.

  9. Anonymous said...
    Didn't the Bush Administration fly the Bin Laden relatives OUT of the country just days after 9/11?

    April 26, 2015 at 10:11 AM

    Flying out and in are 2 different things DUMBASS!! What's your point!!

  10. This makes me want to put a bullet between the eyes of every Democrat I know for voting for traitorous Obama. This should not have happened and someone should be held accountable.

    My blood pressure is boiling and I want answers now, but have no idea where to ask.

    This has got to stop and every Democrat is wrong for supporting this. Yes you Chuck Cook and Jim Ireton.

  11. So, let's pay to send them back then keep them all on the no fly list. Then we start on all the others here illegally.

  12. There will be appeals of the verdict so this issue will probably linger for many years. Sobering thought!

  13. This makes me hate all Democrats even more now. Anyone who claims to be a Democrat, likes a Democrat or votes for a Democrat is damn Traitor.

    Yes Julia Glanz you are a POS!!

  14. whoa whoa whoa, morons(1156).

    Commercial air flights were SHUT DOWN, NATIONWIDE...when the Bush Administration flew out the Bin Laden relatives. Why? Ask the Saudi's, who's involvement in 9/11 has been redacted from public record.

    Dubya, just as dumb as Obama. 4 terms for two guys that didn't deserve one!

  15. I am a republican but the asswipe bush should have never let bin ladens family leave the county. .. .oil oil oil.

  16. Thanks to dems this country is almost done.

  17. Sorry to inform you 3:40 but the bin Laden family left the US on a chartered jet 3 days after 911 when the airports all reopened. Between the time of the act of terrorism and they left, they were in direct contact with the Saudi embassy and were placed under FBI protection. They stayed at the Watergate Hotel in DC.

  18. Why can't something be done?????

  19. When will you guys get it , buy more ammo and accept what's going to happen.

  20. Anonymous said...
    I am a republican but the asswipe bush should have never let bin ladens family leave the county. .. .oil oil oil.

    April 26, 2015 at 5:06 PM

    Bush isn't the asswipe, but it's clear that you are. You are also an uneducated asswipe.

    By the way how could you even claim such negativity about G.W. Bush after having lived through Obama and the Democrats through the last 7 years. Bush looks like a Saint compared to the illegal Muslim from Kenya.

    You're an idiot by the way!

  21. After the last election and 7 years of Osama Bin Biden how could anyone still claim to be a Democrat is beyond me.

    After Benghazi, Fast and Furious, Open Borders for Hispanic Thugs, the Boston Massacre how could anyone not be embarrassed to still be a Democrat.

    So now you Homo Lovers think it's Ok to coddle this terrorists family, fly them here and put them up in a nice hotel??

    You low lives are traitors and your forefathers are turning over in their graves.

  22. How about the prisoners in different parts of the country, those that are locked up away from their families in other parts of the country? Will the government start paying for their trips across the country? How about the local prisoners with poor family? Will the government start paying for their cab or bus fare?

  23. The Tsarnaev brothers were CIA assets, fingered by the Russians while the older one was traveling abroad.

    Craft International was at the marathon, carrying around backpacks like the brothers supposedly did.

    People were told it was a drill, prior to the explosion.

    The injured people at the marathon were found at other terrorism scenes.


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