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Sunday, May 03, 2015

Today's Survey Question 5-1-15

Do you believe our government 
will take over law enforcement?


  1. Only if the Republicans let it happen. So far no one has had the balls to bring impeachment charges on Obama.

  2. I'm afraid so. This is Obama's plan.

  3. as long as we have these idiots allowing the police to do whatever they want and then attempting to justify them and sweep it under the carpet, and paying them off to go away, yes.

    people have forgotten to think for themselves. they only repeat what they hear and read from media.

    they have conveniently forgotten their outrage over the recent police killings of unarmed people and pets.

    they have been trained well and their fear rules them. while the ones they really should be afraid of get a pat on the back from them.

  4. yep its coming lock and LOAD.

  5. YES, YES, YES!!! Already in motion. The progressives rule the roost. It is pretty much over.

  6. The constitution was put in place to prevent it...it's been worthless for the last six plus years anyway though!

  7. YES here's why...

    Back in 2008 when obama bin laden was running for pres, he said it loud and clear this is what he planned to do...

    He said, he wanted a civilian police force as strong and powerful and equipped as the military if not better than the military...

    So why are all of you ignoring all of what they say?? Why are you all surprised this is happening when they fucking said it would, to your face in an interview or some speech they give????

    Who is stupid, all of you... for not listing to what they say and how they say it...

  8. Do you mean FEDERAL government?

    I hope not.

  9. Well oh but isn't that what gubmints do?

  10. Yes - and nationwide checkpoints will come about, the 2nd amendment will vanish and someday the all of the other amendments will follow.

    Then after the brown shirts have taken over we will see some serious issues between the Bourgeoisie and the Proletariat's.

  11. The question doesn't make sense. The fact that it is being asked means there is something fundamentally wrong with our government AND law enforcement.

  12. That's what the UN wants.

  13. Great idea if everyone will stop bitching about the current police status.The powers that be must be getting tired of the bellyaching.In their eyes incessant bitching suggests that we the people want change,so if it happens we caused it.

  14. PRAY FOR OUR COUNTRYMay 1, 2015 at 1:35 PM

    NAH...The States have rights in accordance to the Constitution...The Majority run by Republicans..

  15. Wake up steeple. This is the plan. And your "papers" had better be in order.

  16. Obumma said it years ago

  17. I believe at some point in time they will attempt but the God fearing, gun toting, hard working, decent American will stand up and say enough is enough !!

  18. Only if the Second Amendment falls. Without that, all the rest are not enforceable.

    Think about that, Folks.


  19. Poorly phrased question.

    All law enforcement agencies are part of some level of government (city, county, state, federal); just depends on their jurisdiction and grant of authority.

  20. Read the history of the NAZI party's rise to power, this is what is going on now right here.

  21. It doesn't take a Brian surgeon to figure out what's going on. The left is creating all of these issues so it will give them an excuse to take over the county. They want civil unrest in order to do so.

  22. If it comes to that I won't live to see it.


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