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Wednesday, May 06, 2015

Where's the Outrage?

The merciless gunshot slaying of New York City police officer Brian Moore has not elicited one word of outrage even as anti-police protests rage across the country, former NYPD Commissioner Bernard Kerik says.

He told J.D. Hayworth, host of "Newsmax Prime" on Newsmax TV, that the death of Moore, 25, was a "sad, sad day for the New York City Police Department."

A grand jury will be asked to return a first-degree murder indictment against the shooting suspect, Demetrius Blackwell, officials announced Monday.

"As we mourn this cop, he was not a drug dealer, he didn't have a long rap sheet, he was a pillar in his community, he was a protector for our society," Kerik said of Moore, whose father and other relatives also were officers.

"He was somebody that stood between good and evil, but I don't hear any outrage, I don't hear any community leaders screaming and yelling," Kerik said.

"I don't hear the civil-rights leaders screaming and yelling. I don't hear any protests, I don't hear anything that went on when some others have died over the last six, eight, 10 months," he added, referring to anti-police brutality demonstrations that followed the police shootings of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, and 12-year-old Tamir Rice in Cleveland, Ohio; and the police chokehold death of Eric Garner in New York City.



  1. Where is the NEW and improved US Attorney ? ohhhh she only visits THUGS ???

  2. I'll bet Obama sends no one to this funeral.

  3. Yeah, the silence is deafening. Brian Moore was a decorated police officer. Killed by a black thug, yes I said thug, who showed no remorse whatsoever.

    Officer Moore, may you rest in peace.

  4. How many rights has he violated? People imprisoned falsely? Money stolen from hard working people? And he did it for free! He loved doing these things. Highly decorated my ass. To young to have done anything to be highly decorated. Boost his image all you want. He was a government thug! When the majority of Leos care more about the rights, laws and citizens they swore to protect that's when I'll care.

  5. "I don't hear the civil-rights leaders screaming and yelling."

    Perhaps because the perp is behind bars awaiting a trial that will probably send him away for life, or worse. No civil rights violated here. It's not that complex people.

  6. @12:11 Did you know him personally? Or are you lumping him together with the bad apples? Kind of racist don't you think? Odd's are you know NOTHING about him and odd's are you have a rap sheet a mile long.

    1. Racist? How? Educate yourself. Its called prejudice. And yes I am prejudice against cops. How can one black or white not be these days? And I'm a white man without a record. I'm also educated a bit more than you are it seems.

  7. Well yeah because he is white.

  8. This cop's blood is on the hands of LE and LE only. Were it not for the war that cops have declared on the American people the people wouldn't be fighting back.


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