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Thursday, May 28, 2015

What it looks like when your toddler has a tantrum at Obama’s feet during a fancy White House event

A key Passover ritual involves asking: “Why is this night different from all other nights?” That’s kind of a no-brainer for Laura Moser, whose 2-year-old had a full-on tantrum during this year’s White House Passover event on the floor at President Obama’s feet.

The photo of Claudia Chaudhary, in a sundress and little pigtails, face down on an ornate White House carpet while the father-in-chief gestures at her went viral last week, prompting parents worldwide to say some version of “thank GOD that wasn’t my kid.”



  1. I thought it was Boner...lol

  2. He has them all the time....really no different!

    Except he blames "W".

  3. She knows more then most. map

  4. If I were in that room without a gun, I'd do the same danged thing!

  5. She is just bowing to his majesty the king and Queen.

  6. I see a pig in lipstick wearing a green dress!

  7. Now he knows what "their" antics look like to us.


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