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Thursday, May 28, 2015

Report: Public University Paid Clinton Foundation $500,000 To Host Event

Many people were shocked when they learned last year Hillary Clinton earned nearly $2 million in the span of 18 months giving speeches at colleges nationwide. Turns out there’s plenty more where that came from.

Arizona State University gave $500,000 to the Clinton Foundation for hosting a Clinton Global Initiative University event on the Tempe campus in 2014, The Arizona Republic reports.

Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton all headlined the three-day meeting, which encourages student attendees to pledge themselves to causes such as education, climate change, human rights, poverty, and public health, the initiative’s website states.

“Student attendees had the opportunity to attend … working sessions and other special events covering topics across CGI U’s five focus areas and allowing them to network with their peers, build skills, and identify potential partnerships,” the initiative’s website states. “Youth organizations, topic experts, and celebrities joined students at the CGI U meeting to help them gain the skills and knowledge needed to take action.”

ASU spokesman Mark Johnson told The Arizona Republic in an e-mailed statement that the money used to pay for the event did not come from publicly funded coffers, but rather other parts of the university’s budget, such as tuition, private donations and grants.



  1. Grants??? Meaning
    taxpayers money??

  2. People should be fired for this abuse of taxpayer spending but of course liberals will see nothing wrong with it.

  3. Sure it came from private tuition, and private donations just like the Clinton's give a rat's behind about anything but themselves, and their wallets.

    Anyone stupid enough to vote for Hoarding Hillary, is a very twisted, and confused person. She isn't capable to do anything but run her stupid mouth. And that she can do and say nothing.

  4. Great! They took money from the students and their loans.

    Thank you!


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