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Monday, May 18, 2015

Welcome To The Bury' Yesterday Alone

5/17/15 3:42 AM 1123 Bryn Mawr Dr Murder & Non-Neg Mans 201500018079 Under Inv

5/17/15 5:24 AM 801 College Ln Robbery: Knife, Resid 201500018081 Under Inv

5/17/15 10:27 AM Rape By Force 201500018086 Clrd By Arrest

5/17/15 6:05 PM Other Sexual Offenses 201500018121 Under Inv

5/17/15 6:50 PM Light St/Newton St Assault: Knife 201500018127 Under Inv

Publishers Notes: Interesting how they mention two different times "Knife" but they don't say they were stabbings. And everyone wonders how crime stats are down. It's the way they REPORT each incident. There's a big difference between a "knife" and a stabbing.


  1. What an embarrassment this town is to the Shore. Somethings gotta give people.

    It makes me so sad that a place my family has lived for probably 120 years and I have such strong roots here has turned into this shithole that it is.

    I know that all the "come Here's" bitch and moan about the good ole boys and all. But I can imagine that all those "good ole boys" and "inbreeds" and "rednecks" you all like to cry about are just about on the verge of taking this shore back while you all sit and cry about it all and blame gay mayors and presidents.

    You all brought this here...not them.

  2. 11:21 - I was prepared to agree with you until I read your last statement.....

    I came here for the better quality of life due to a job offer. I didn't bring crime with me - I brought my civility. I have a job. I didn't vote for the fruit-loops that have been in office - I voted for them to leave. In some cases, I was out-voted - so Jimmy and Jim are still here...along with Babs and Ben.

    Some of us 'come-here's' are actually trying to make it better - in spite of the leeches (born-here's and come-here's) that want it to stay the way it has been!

  3. Butt, Butt, Butt crime is down. Just ask Jake Day and Jim Ireton. They keep arguing with us that crime is down and only a DUMBASS will believe them.

  4. They are fudging the incidents.

    It is a Freakin STABBING!

  5. the Mayor and police chief need to be arrested asap they are not doing there job glad i just sold my home in the city done with this shithole called the bury i hope the mayor gets bitch slapped.

  6. Hey 1121 I'm just curious the locals and such are ready to take back the shore?.....take back what? None of you will be able to bring it back.....the only thing the shore really had is tourism.....companies that left had nothing to do with people who moved here for a better way of life....you locals don't have a clue what it will take to fix the shore. This is one big mess and is only going to get worse....yep you locals are going to get your shore back and it will be a ghost town none of will be able to afford to live in. As far a tourism goes it's become well known how unwelcome tourists are and don't worry they are going elsewhere with the dollars the shore needs so good luck to you all......your all gonna need it...

  7. One of the many reasons we moved away. Now we live in Virginia, were most folks are armed and therefore can fight back, so we are not victimized. As Jefferson said, "An armed society is a polite society".

  8. farmin, fishin and huntin.. Families that stay together.
    Unlocked doors at night.
    That's what we will take it back to.

    Tourism is what started all this. We could care less about it.

  9. 11:45 AM, thank you. I feel the same way. I'm not from here, but I didn't bring all the crime with me either. Decent hard working people don't have a chance in this town with all the crap that is in office downtown and all the crap that won't get off their butts to go to work.

  10. Good ol' Utopia. That place everyone loves to talk about while having never lived there.

    You guys seem scared of your own shadow.

  11. a lot of our tourism comes from the good folks visiting family at eci and then calling bury their home

  12. I'm so grateful there is no crime in

  13. So just keep running the good cops away. That will fix it.
    Good strategy.


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