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Monday, May 18, 2015

Exchange student gored by bison in Yellowstone Park

A Taiwanese exchange student visiting Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming with her host family was gored by a bison while turning to have her picture taken, the National Park Service said Saturday.

The sixteen-year-old girl, whose name was not released, was hiking near the Old Faithful Geyser when the family stopped to look at bison grazing near the trail, the park service said.

The group was just three to six feet (1-2 meters) away from the animals, the park service said, and when the girl turned her back on the bison to have her picture taken, one of them attacked, goring her in the buttocks with a horn, said spokeswoman Traci Weaver.

The girl was treated at the park's Old Faithful clinic and then airlifted to a hospital, the park service said in a news release about the incident. Her injuries were not life-threatening.



  1. Yellowstone needs to immediately ban North Dakota State University students from entering the park.Their behavior is inexcusable.

  2. Some people just don't use common sense.

  3. They are called wild animals for a reason.

  4. Was out there in 1976 and a family wanted a photo of a bear licking their daughter, they put honey in her hair. It worked fine, till he licked it all, and then he bit her head off! People do stupid stuff around animals.

  5. 1242I know that's not funny at all but I nearly choked laughing for a second. Holy cow. That's terrible.

  6. The Bisons are fist bumping tonight!


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