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Monday, May 18, 2015

‘We gonna just **** you up’; #Ferguson Activists Threaten Liberals for Protest Pay

Liberal organizations made a fortune raising money off of various Ferguson related protests. Now, the people who actually did the protesting that they profited over want their cut.
#CutTheCheck. That’s the hashtag for Black activists demanding payment from white liberals for taking part in the months-long protests in Ferguson, Missouri over the police shooting death of unarmed Black teenaged criminal Michael Brown in a confrontation with white Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson last August.

Black activists held a sit-in at the office of MORE (Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment) on Thursday to press their claim that groups led by whites have collected tens of thousands of dollars in donations off of the Black Lives Matter movement without paying the Black participants their fair share.

I have to be honest, they have a point. It also goes to show how much liberals actually care about the inner city.



  1. Used by the libtards again. You have to love how the government supports this stuff.

  2. Liberals will stoop to anything to gain for themselves.

  3. Don't most charities use up most of their donations in "administrative costs"?

    And, why should anyone pay the rioters to riot in the first place?

    Is this why they riot; because they think they can get a cash payout?

    Somebody bring me a tissue...

  4. Are they beating down Al Sharpton's door for a cut of his take? Doubt it.

    Still comes down to "we be slaves to another black man, but whitey gonna pay us."

  5. Those protestors should have been at work or school.

  6. They have been voting for the Dems for over fifty years and know what to expect, why the outrage now? Maybe waking up?? Doubtful.

  7. Send some bikers down there to get their minds right.

  8. I know a shake down when I see one. You'll have to click thru to get to their "statement" about how the protestors have no access to "mental health care." Too funny.


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