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Monday, May 18, 2015


Hundreds of passengers die every year in horrific car crashes. Avoid being one of those passengers.

Starting today, the Maryland State Police along with other law enforcement agencies will be participating in the Click It or Ticket Campaign (May 18th - 31st), which promotes safe driving.

Police will be targeting those violating Maryland's seatbelt laws. Seatbelt violations may result in an $83 fine. REMEMBER as of October 2013, all individuals in the vehicle must be seatbelted, including the back seat.


  1. More of your rights going down the drain! Keep voting Liberal Democrat!

  2. Yet you can fly with a baby on your lap doing 400 MPH !

  3. What about the woman on the back of the motorcycle?

  4. Everyone agrees that wearing seat belts is a common sense thing to do. But., should it be a law? Is it not an infringement upon the individual's rights of liberty? Liberty that is supposedly guaranteed in the Bill of Rights [you know, that piece of paper that LE and Congress and the Supreme Court and Annapolis use to wipe their collective asses with].
    If, in fact, the seat belt law were truly a 'safety law' violation why is it not considered a 'moving violation' and therefore assigned points. Instead it is a 'fine only' violation., a revenue only law, it's not a safety law at all.

  5. Its fund raising season.

  6. Good to know the cops are hard at work cleaning up crime.

  7. Its going to be doubly worse now that Maryland needs more money than ever.
    The budget will be balanced by the armed revenue collectors preying upon the working class of the state.
    Keep cheering.

  8. Good, I'm tired handling minor property damage collisions that turn into PI's with 2 hours of paperwork to do simply because people weren't wearing seatbelts.

  9. 1:25 - maybe it should be the law for kids to be buckled in - they don't know the safety implications and shouldn't be making risk-based decisions.

    Adults on the other hand - should be subject to the laws of stupidity...if you do stupid stuff and it kills you, maybe the stupid gene won't get passed down to the next generation!

    This is pure fund-raising! If I was sitting on a jury trail for a case like this, I would not convict...it's called Jury Nullification!

  10. Here we go with the Fund Raising Avent

  11. I wish everyone of you who are against seatbelt laws lose a loved one in a carcrash. See how much liberty you have then.


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