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Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Watchdog: Congress Committed 'Fraud' to Avoid ACA Requirement

Congress engaged in outright fraud to escape a requirement that everyone on Capitol Hill buy individual health insurance through the Affordable Care Act, and the White House played along, says a government watchdog who calls the congressional Obamacare dodge an under-reported scandal.

The Obama administration let Congress, which employs thousands of people, classify itself as a small business so that lawmakers and hill employees could keep heavily subsidized, federally funded coverage that would not have been available to them as individuals, Phil Kerpen, president of American Commitment, told "MidPoint" host Ed Berliner on Newsmax TV on Monday.

"This is quite literal fraud," said Kerpen. "These are documents, formal documents, that were filed with the D.C. health exchange — the Obamacare exchange in the District of Columba — certifying that the House of Representatives only has 45 employees and the United States Senate also only has 45 employees.

"These are signed under penalty of perjury, and since they were signed, 13,700 people have signed up for [coverage in] the supposed 'small businesses' with 90 total employees," he said. "So, this is pretty blatant fraud here on the part of Congress."


1 comment:

  1. Congress has committed a crime? NO!!
    They KNOW they are ABOVE the laws that "we, the people" are held to, and there is absolutely NO - ZERO- NONE- possibility that there will be ANY repercussions to those Masters.
    The "two sets of laws" thing.
    "We, the people" go to PRISON. They take some tax dollars (our money) and take their family to Rio for a couple of weeks.
    THEIR worst problem is not fighting for their survival in prison and wishing they hadn't committed a crime.
    THEIR worst problem is their girlfriend (wife couldn't come this time) got a bad sunburn.
    Keep cheering.


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