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Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Another fourteen black on white murders

We have been working to create a comprehensive look at black on white murders for the years 2014 and 2015

We have been working to create a comprehensive look at black on white murders for the years 2014 and 2015. Many media bosses openly admit that they censor black on white crime. We have been working to collect the biggest sample size of black on white murders possible.

From information we have already collected, many important conclusion can already be drawn. People who drive taxi cabs, deliver pizza, or deliver other food items are probably in much greater danger of being killed on the job than police officers. The overwhelming majority of these killings seem to be black on white and black on Asian. For people who delivery food or drive a cab, this is important information that they should be aware of. They should not be put in greater danger by having this information censored in the name of political correctness.

Also, large numbers of young white males and females are being murdered while trying to buy marijuana off of black dealers. The perps never acquire any significant monetary gain from the murders. They simply kill the victim for the fun of it and to gain street cred. The media often blames the white victim and calls it “a drug deal gone bad.”



  1. Has anyone read anything in The Baltimore Sun concerning the white man who was beat so viciously by five blacks last week and he is still in a coma?
    I couldn't find one sentence. I have to admit WBAL (to their credit) has been following the story consistently.

  2. Black "youth" from a secondary school. A second chance school with students aged 14-21. Its an absolute shame that the coming race war will prove to be too much for most Americans to handle and many lives will be lost.

    Molon Labe

  3. There is always a reason not to hold them accountable, even the reason is as stupid as too many AA are committing offenses in schools and we don't want the discipline referrals to show that.


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