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Monday, May 11, 2015

Warning to ISIS


  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! There are groups right here on the Eastern Shore who are ready to go. They are claiming credit for the attack in Texas so they own it in my opinion. That means they crossed the line again. Right here at home they attacked. The government can call it lone wolf or whatever they want. First Boston Marathon now Texas. It's high time we hunted them down like the dogs they are.

  2. Bring it ISIS you idiots dont know the ass whooping your gonna get .

  3. Once the people realize their government is selling them out, matters will be handled in a manner that will be fairly final!

  4. You fools don't even realize who is behind all this crap.

  5. 1159 OBAMA ? Fool.

  6. Needed. - guerrillas to pay house calls to the Isis training camps here in the US.

  7. Our government has known about the terrorist training camps across the country for YEARS. I don't understand how Bush looked the other way...??!

  8. The FBI says they are protected under the same constitutional rights as those that protect the militias. Not So. US code legitimizes the militia. It does not authorize religious fanatics training to attack christians. We should pay their training camps a visit.

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    1159 OBAMA ? Fool.

    May 11, 2015 at 12:28 PM

    your hero fool.


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