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Monday, May 11, 2015

Police Seize 10 Children from Family Because They Are Off Grid

Off the Grid News reported:

An off-grid homeschool family of 12 in rural Kentucky was raided, the mother arrested, and the 10 children seized simply because the government disagrees with their lifestyle and their educational choices, family members and friends say.

Until Wednesday, Joe and Nicole Naugler lived with their 10 kids in a cabin on 26 acres in Breckinridge County, about an hour southwest of Louisville.

“They are an extremely happy family,” family friend Pace Ellsworth told Off The Grid News.

Acting on an anonymous tip about the family’s off-grid lifestyle, sheriff’s officers entered the property and home Wednesday, and even blocked the access road to the family property, the family says. Joe and eight of the children were away, but Nicole – who is five-months pregnant – was home with the two oldest kids. Sheriff deputies then seemingly allowed Nicole and the two children to drive away but they got only a short distance before deputies pulled them over and took the two children away from the mom, who was arrested for disorderly conduct and resisting arrest.

Later, the sheriff ordered Joe to turn over the other children by 10 a.m. or be arrested for felony charges, the family says. He complied.

Deputies also threatened to impound the car, although a friend of the family convinced the deputies to allow Joe to have it back.



  1. Off grid is the way to go. I didn't read through this all but if a family moves off grid and cares for their children, educates them with any resources they have and provides them with a quality life then leave them alone. If neglected or abused etc then I agree with someone assisting in the matter

  2. Wasted tax payers money there a so many other kids that need to be removed for much worse situations and abuse everyday. These kids were no abused they just lived a different life. I just can't believe this what a shame.

  3. You should join in with the off grid movement 11:05.It sounds like you would fit right in.

  4. Dam right I would and proud of it too. I guess it would be ok with the local police department if these people had a reality show about having 20 kids and lived off the grid...

  5. Meanwhile the thug feral teens in Baltimore are running around loose.

  6. A friend had to convince the police to LET them have their car back. That's the only criminal offense I see here!

  7. WRONG!!! I pray someone picks up this story and decides to take their case to sue their sorry selves.

  8. 1116 living off grid would actually get most people off their a$$es and rely on their family for survival and not he govt, or the local fast food restaurant. Nothing wrong with fending for yourself

  9. 1:02 Thank you! That is their dam right if they want to do that. Those kids looked health to me and no government is always a good thing...

  10. So raids on the Amish are next?

  11. WTF kind of cop would carry out a raid like this? I want to hear some of you POS cops justify something like this.
    You all are in a position to make decent moral & righteous decisions yet you do this kind of crap. When what you need to do is step back and and say "to hell with that law, I'm not enforcing such BS as that" those folks aren't harming a thing.
    Do you get it now? Do you see why you're thought of as you are?

  12. The population of Baltimore is 622,000 and 63 percent of its population is black. So is the sheriff or Baltimore City PD going after those Ghetto Thugs for living off the grid. No fathers, no jobs, poorest schools, dependent mentality, living off the government, demanding space to destroy, rioting, looting and murdering. So why don't the police go after those 400,000 familyless thugs from Baltimore!!

    Did this family create any of these crimes? Hell no and they weren't high school drop outs either, their parents home schooled them.


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