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Sunday, May 03, 2015


Maryland State Police Press Release

(PIKESVILLE, MD) -- The Maryland State Police is continuing to provide law enforcement assistance to the Baltimore Police Department in support of their ongoing public safety operations.

At the request of the Commissioner of the Baltimore Police Department, the Maryland State Police sent 42 troopers to Baltimore early this afternoon. At 4:00 p.m. today, another 40 troopers were ordered to duty and will be deploying to Baltimore early this evening to join the troopers already there. Troopers are being deployed where needed at the direction of Baltimore Police Department commanders.

Maryland State Police Superintendent Colonel William Pallozzi is coordinating the support operations of state troopers, to ensure requests are accommodated to the extent possible. He is monitoring events along with other officials at the Maryland Emergency Management Agency.

Since last Thursday, more than 280 state troopers have provided assistance in Baltimore. Maryland State Police will continue to provide assistance as requested by the Mayor of Baltimore and the Commissioner of the Baltimore Police Department.

Other police officers from state law enforcement agencies are also assisting. Those officers are from the Maryland Transportation Authority Police and the Maryland Capitol Police.


  1. Civil unrest send in the national guard and send in the hoses and dogs.

  2. I have seen one of their cars going up in flames going on already. CNN is asking where are the police???

  3. The riot in Bmore is a classic example that the police are powerless and a waste of money. They create more problems than they fix.

  4. Where is the gas. I don't mean pepper mace. Bring out the CS gas with a fogger gun. Leave an out in an enclosed area. Use the fogger from 2 directions that would be in the form of a wedge directing them to an enclosed designated area. Then you will know who to hold responsible.
    The Authorities should have had that in their logistics for today. Then let it be known the second crowds were forming.
    Loss of property and Police vehicles would not have happened or would be very limited.

    Strong punishment / sentences with no parole. DAY for DAY. No good days etc.

  5. CNN would be the first news channel complaining that the police are too agressive and heavy handed.

  6. Please call Oprah , we need her opinion , oh whatever shall we do?
    Send for some Nigerian troops or maybe some troops from Kenya.
    Can we use rubber bullets? Maybe
    some bean bags or foam rubber bats. Oh, I know some water pistols would help.

  7. The police look to be "standing down." I'm sure they feel that they cannot win either way they do their job. There must be a better way. They knew it was coming. How would you explain this???

  8. A lot of people bash the cops on this blog. Wait till you need them. What you gonna do when you call and they say maybe or never.
    It's a commin folks. Police your own area.

  9. 6:08 exactly the cops brought this upon themselves and they are never around when we actually need one. You said it correctly police your own area cause these two groups won't be coming to save us! so enough of how we need them.

  10. It will soon be like this is Salisbury, the Baltimore of the Eastern Shore!

  11. So much for the thugs now there raiding LIQUOR STORES.

  12. Well....if I had a loved one who is a cop...I would beg them to get another job. Now if everyone feels it isn't worth your life for the low pay...who will protect you?

  13. National Guard?!?!?

    Don't you realize that Obama would need to do that?

    The lawlessness in Baltimore should make for an interesting start of the season in Ocean City.

    1. The governor calls up the national guard for situations like this, natural disasters, etc, genius.

  14. I was not critizing the Police in their actions. I know they have to follow orders. Their Supervisors are procrastinating because of "Monday Morning Quarterbacking from Liberals, Lawyers and News Media.
    This has been going on since I believe Thursday. Today should have been PHASE 2. Tomorrow should be PHASE 3. The final phase. These actions should never have been given the opportunity to raise to this level.
    I have been in very similar circumstances in the Prison system.
    The Police Officers need our support more than ever in these situations.

  15. 6:28-Not obama but Governor Hogan. He at this point is powerless because the Mayor of Baltimore (SRB) has to request the National Guard AFTER declaring a state of emergency. He can only go over SRB's head so to speak and act on his own if she becomes incapacitated and unable to fulfill her duties as mayor.

  16. Noticed that no state troopers are around today.no police presence at that. Sheriffs on the low. Guess they're preparing.

  17. Does anyone know if the DNR Natural Resources Police offered assistance?

  18. I think the Maryland Transportation Authority Police, the Maryland Transit Authority Police, the Maryland Capital Police, the Natural Resources Police should fall under the Maryland State Police just like the Office of the State Fire Marshal does.


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